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    Quagga and Zebra Mussel Infested Waters [ds2801](0)
    Vegetation - Mendocino Cypress and Related Vegetation [ds2805](1)
    Bear Hunt Areas [ds2807](2)
    Biological Integrity of Constrained Streams by Watershed [ds2808](3)
    Level of Terrestrial Plant Invasion by Quad [ds2810](4)
    Level of Aquatic Plant Invasion by Quad [ds2811](5)
    Vegetation - Knoxville Wildlife Area [ds2812](6)
    Wind Energy Impact Project - Montezuma [ds2814](7)
    Native Fishes Drought Response Stressor Monitoring - 2014 to 2017 [ds2820](8)
    Arundo Distribution - Central Valley [ds2822](9)
    Landscape Linkage - Coyote Valley [ds2823](10)
    TSM Acoustic Bird Survey [ds2824](11)
    TSM Acoustic Bat Survey [ds2825](12)
    TSM Camera Trap Survey [ds2826](13)
    TSM Habitat Rapid Assessment Survey - 2016 [ds2827](14)
    TSM Habitat and Vegetation Assessment - 2017 [ds2828](15)
    TSM Point Count Survey [ds2829](16)
    TSM Quadrat Survey - Great Valley - 2016 [ds2830](17)
    TSM Site Establishment Survey [ds2831](18)
    TSM Time Constrained Search - 2017 [ds2832](19)
    TSM Transect Survey - 2016 [ds2833](20)
    TSM Transect Survey - Mojave Desert - 2017 [ds2834](21)
    California Aquatic Resources Inventory (CARI) Wetlands - SFEI [ds2835](22)
    California Tiger Salamander Range SBA DPS - CWHR A001A [ds2839](23)
    California Tiger Salamander Range SON DPS - CWHR A001B [ds2840](24)
    California Tiger Salamander CV DPS Range - CWHR A001C [ds2841](25)
    Santa Cruz Long-Toed Salamander Range - CWHR A003A [ds2843](26)
    Southern Long-Toed Salamander Range - CWHR A003B [ds2844](27)
    Santa Cruz Black Salamander Range - CWHR A020A [ds2845](28)
    Desert Slender Salamander Range - CWHR A013A [ds2846](29)
    Large-Blotched Ensatina Range - CWHR A012B [ds2847](30)
    Southern Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog (North CA DPS) Range - CWHR A044A [ds2848](31)
    Southern Mountain Yellow-Legged Frog (South CA DPS) Range - CWHR A044B [ds2849](32)
    Coast Range Newt Range - CWHR A007A [ds2850](33)
    Gregarious Slender Salamander Range - CWHR A064 [ds2851](34)
    CNDDB-tracked Elements by County [ds2852](35)
    CNDDB-tracked Elements by Quad [ds2853](36)
    Vegetation - Delta Vegetation and Land Use Update - 2016 [ds2855](37)
    Vegetation - Point Arena Stornetta Unit - 2019 [ds2856](38)
    Vegetation - Modoc Plateau Applegate Areas - 2016 [ds2858](39)
    Vegetation - Lava Beds National Monument - 2019 [ds2859](40)
    Estuary and Tidal - ACE [ds2860](41)
    Monarch - ACE [ds2861](42)
    Oak Communities - ACE [ds2862](43)
    Oak Shrublands - ACE [ds2863](44)
    Saline Wetlands - ACE [ds2864](45)
    Foothill Yellow-legged Frog Clade Boundaries [ds2865](46)
    Barred Owl Observations by PLSS Section [ds2873](47)
    Vegetation - Owens Valley and Jawbone [ds2874](48)
    Vegetation - Modoc Plateau - Shinn, Likely, and Snowstorm Mountains - 2020 [ds2877](49)
    Mule Deer Migration Corridors - Upper San Joaquin River Watershed - 2013-2016 [ds2878](50)
    Disadvantaged Communities by Census Block Group - 2014-2018 - CA Parks [ds2883](51)
    Disadvantaged Communities by Census Block Group - 2012-2016 - DWR [ds2884](52)
    Disadvantaged Communities by Census Place - 2012-2016 - DWR [ds2885](53)
    Disadvantaged Communities by Census Tract - 2012-2016 - DWR [ds2886](54)
    Mule Deer Migration Corridors - Carson River - 2012-2019 [ds2888](55)
    Big-Game SO3362 Focus Areas - 2018 - CDFW [ds2889](56)
    Vegetation - Central Valley Flood Protection Planning Area Update - 2016 [ds2890](57)
    Vegetation - Lower Feather River Update - 2018 [ds2891](58)
    Disadvantaged Communities by Census Place - 2014-2018 - DWR [ds2892](59)
    Mule Deer Migration Corridors - Modoc Interstate CA and OR - 1999-2001, 2017-2020 [ds2894](60)
    Mule Deer Migration Corridors - Jawbone Ridge - 2009-2015 [ds2896](61)
    Vegetation - Coachella Valley Floor [ds2898](62)
    Vegetation - Napa County Update 2016 [ds2899](63)
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