California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) - Government [ds45]

SDE Feature Class

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biota, plants, environment, conservation, environment, animals, biota, CNDDB, boundaries, California, boundaries


To provide the most current information and to track the location and condition of California's many species of rare and sensitive plants, animals, and natural communities.


The California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) is a product of the California Department of Fish and Wildlife's Biogeographic Data Branch (BDB). The CNDDB is both a manual and computerized library of the status and locations of California's rare species and natural community types. The CNDDB includes in its data all federally and state listed plants and animals, all species that are candidates for listing, all species of special concern, and those species that are considered "sensitive" by government agencies and the conservation community. The computerized information is available for a fee in hardcopy and digital forms. The CNDDB is a dynamic system with information continually being added and updated. The CNDDB contains over 98,000 locational records for over 2,500 elements (plant taxa, animal taxa, and natural communities). A location record is referred to as an Element Occurrence (EO), and is a site that contains an individual, population, nest site, den, or stand of a special status element. Populations, individuals, or colonies located within 1/4 mile of each other generally constitute a single occurrence, sometimes with multiple parts.


California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Natural Diversity Database

Use limitations

The CNDDB is offered on a yearly subscription basis; it includes monthly downloadable CNDDB GIS data updates and access to online services for querying and viewing the CNDDB data. We offer the entire statewide dataset along with the GIS shapefile for use in many popular GIS software packages. The rate for Commercial, Non-profit and Government subscribers is $600 for the initial subscription year and $400 for subsequent renewal years. However, should the subscription lapse 6 months or more from the established anniversary month (i.e., month of initial subscription), subscription will commence again at the initial start-up rate of $600. Organizations can make as many copies of the data and application as necessary for their internal use but cannot make copies for distribution outside of their organization.


West -124.422013 East -114.073195
North 42.026964 South 32.525419

Scale Range

ArcGIS Metadata

Topics and Keywords

Themes or categories of the resource environment, biota, boundaries

* Content type Downloadable Data

Place keywords California

Theme keywords biota, environment, boundaries

Title ISO 19115 Topic Categories

Theme keywords plants, environment, conservation, animals, biota, CNDDB, boundaries


Title California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) - Government [ds45]
Publication date 2024-03-31

Edition Government

Presentation formats digital map
FGDC geospatial presentation format vector digital data

Citation Contacts

Responsible party
Organization's name California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Biogeographic Data Branch
Contact's role publisher

Contact information
Delivery point Sacramento, California USA

Responsible party
Organization's name California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Biogeographic Data Branch
Contact's role originator

Resource Details

Dataset languages English(UNITED STATES)

Status under development
Spatial representation type vector

Supplemental information
We work very hard to keep the CNDDB as current and up to date as possible given our capabilities and resources. However, we cannot and do not portray the CNDDB as an exhaustive and comprehensive inventory of rare species and natural communities. Field verification for the absence and presence of sensitive species will always be an important obligation of our customers. Likewise, your contribution of data to the CNDDB is equally important to the maintenance of the CNDDB.
Processing environment Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS

California Department of Fish and Wildlife, California Natural Diversity Database
ArcGIS item properties
* Name California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) Government [ds45]
* Location Server=.; :.; Database=; User=; Version=
* Access protocol ArcSDE Connection


Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
West longitude -124.4151
East longitude -114.073193
South latitude 32.500052
North latitude 42.096694

publication date
Temporal extent
Beginning date
Indeterminate date May 1854
Ending date 2024-03-31

Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
Extent type Extent used for searching
* West longitude -124.422013
* East longitude -114.073195
* North latitude 42.026964
* South latitude 32.525419
* Extent contains the resource Yes

Extent in the item's coordinate system
* West longitude -13850595.180418
* East longitude -12698569.959093
* South latitude 3832479.410517
* North latitude 5165019.336993
* Extent contains the resource Yes

Resource Points of Contact

Point of contact
Organization's name California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Biogeographic Data Branch
Contact's role point of contact

Contact information
Type postal
Delivery point P.O. Box 944209
City Sacramento
Administrative area CA
Postal code 94244-2090
Country US
e-mail address

Hours of service
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM PST

Resource Maintenance

Resource maintenance
Update frequency monthly

Resource Constraints

Legal constraints
Limitations of use
All uses of data from the CNDDB are subject to the terms and conditions contained in our License Agreement. (
Other constraints
All uses of data from the CNDDB are subject to the terms and conditions contained in our License Agreement. (
Limitations of use
The CNDDB is offered on a yearly subscription basis; it includes monthly downloadable CNDDB GIS data updates and access to online services for querying and viewing the CNDDB data. We offer the entire statewide dataset along with the GIS shapefile for use in many popular GIS software packages. The rate for Commercial, Non-profit and Government subscribers is $600 for the initial subscription year and $400 for subsequent renewal years. However, should the subscription lapse 6 months or more from the established anniversary month (i.e., month of initial subscription), subscription will commence again at the initial start-up rate of $600. Organizations can make as many copies of the data and application as necessary for their internal use but cannot make copies for distribution outside of their organization.

Spatial Reference

ArcGIS coordinate system
* Type Projected
* Geographic coordinate reference GCS_WGS_1984
* Projection WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere
* Coordinate reference details
Projected coordinate system
Well-known identifier 102100
X origin -22041258.62706707
Y origin -33265068.604224768
XY scale 135385249.94349548
Z origin 0
Z scale 1
M origin 0
M scale 1
XY tolerance 0.001
Z tolerance 0.001
M tolerance 0.001
High precision true
Latest well-known identifier 3857
Well-known text PROJCS["WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere",GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",0.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",0.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",0.0],PARAMETER["Auxiliary_Sphere_Type",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0],AUTHORITY["EPSG",3857]]

Reference system identifier
* Value 3857
* Codespace EPSG
* Version 8.8(

Spatial Data Properties

* Level of topology for this dataset geometry only

Geometric objects
Feature class name ds0045_20240331
* Object type composite
* Object count 102547

ArcGIS Feature Class Properties
Feature class name ds0045_20240331
* Feature type Simple
* Geometry type Polygon
* Has topology FALSE
* Feature count 102547
* Spatial index TRUE
* Linear referencing FALSE


Contact information
Organization's name California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Biogeographic Data Branch
Contact's role distributor

Contact information
Type postal
Delivery point P.O. Box 944209
City Sacramento
Administrative area CA
Postal code 94244-2090
Country US
e-mail address

Hours of service
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM PST

Ordering process
Terms and fees $600 for first year and $400 for renewal
Turnaround time
Two weeks
Order form at The cost for the statewide dataset is $600. A subscription includes access to CNDDB data via web applications and monthly CNDDB GIS data updates that can be downloaded from the CDFW website. Renewing customers pay $400 per year without a break in service. You are invoiced directly from our accounting department after the products have been made available to you. You do not need to pay up front; but invoices are due and payable upon presentation-no terms are available. Delinquent accounts will be denied additional services until the balance has been paid. NOTE: There is a 50% cancellation charge if you cancel your order after we have already processed your request and generated our products. There is a no-return policy on products already delivered.

Distribution format
* Name SDE Feature Class


Details for object ds0045_20240331
* Type Feature Class
* Row count 102547
Element Occurrences (EOs) representing positive sightings of rare, native species.
Definition source

Field Shape
* Alias Shape
* Data type Geometry
* Width 4
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Feature geometry.
Description source
Description of values
Coordinates defining the features.

Field Taxon_Group
* Alias Taxon_Group
* Data type String
* Width 15
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The general Taxonomic Group that an element falls within.
Description source
List of values
Value Alpine
Description Community - Terrestrial

Value Arachnids
Description Animals - Invertebrates

Value Estuarine
Description Community - Aquatic

Value Marine
Description Community - Aquatic

Value Amphibians
Description Animals - Vertebrates

Value Gymnosperms
Description Plants - Vascular

Value Dicots
Description Plants - Vascular

Value Inland Waters
Description Community - Aquatic

Value Herbaceous
Description Community - Terrestrial

Value Monocots
Description Plants - Vascular

Value Woodland
Description Community - Terrestrial

Value Riverine
Description Community - Aquatic

Value Mollusks
Description Animals - Invertebrates

Value Ferns
Description Plants - Vascular

Value Bryophytes
Description Plants - Nonvascular

Value Palustrine
Description Community - Aquatic

Value Birds
Description Animals - Vertebrates

Value Mammals
Description Animals - Vertebrates

Value Scrub
Description Community - Terrestrial

Value Fish
Description Animals - Vertebrates

Value Forest
Description Community - Terrestrial

Value Insects
Description Animals - Invertebrates

Value Crustaceans
Description Animals - Invertebrates

Value Lichens
Description Plants - Nonvascular

Value Reptiles
Description Animals - Vertebrates

Value Riparian
Description Community - Terrestrial

Value Marsh
Description Community - Terrestrial

Value Dune
Description Community - Terrestrial

Field Key_Quad_Code
* Alias Key_Quad_Code
* Data type String
* Width 7
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Key Quad. The USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle map which contains the centrum of this occurrence. This code is expressed as a modified USGS code consisting of one degree blocks sub-divided into sixty-four 7.5 minute maps. The one degree block is referenced by the latitude and longitude of its southeast corner (ie: 38121). Individual maps within the block are referenced by an alpha-numeric code. This code originates at the same southeast corner as the one degree block and runs numerically east to west, and alphabetically south to north. This creates a grid allowing maps to be coded by the intersection of these axis (ie: B5). A complete map code would be 38121B5. The CNDDB Quad Code converts this value to an integer by replacing the alpha character with a numeric equivalent (ie: A = 1, H = 8). This renders the Key Quad Code for the above example as 3812125.
Description source
Description of values
Codes for the USGS quadrangles in California.

Field Symbology
* Alias Symbology
* Data type SmallInteger
* Width 2
* Precision 5
* Scale 0
Field description
A code used for cartographic symbolization of the EO features contained in the GIS dataset. Symbology is based on four pieces of data -- ELMTYPE, ACCURACY_CLASS, EOCOUNT and SENSITIVE -- which are combined to create a single code for purposes of assigning map symbols. ELMTYPE indicates the type of element (1 - plant, 2 - animal, 3 - terrestrial community, 4 - aquatic community). ACCURACY_CLASS indicates the accuracy class of the mapped feature. EOCOUNT is the Element Occurrence Count, which is the number of occurrences which share a given geographic location. The first digit of the Symbology value is from ELMTYPE, and the second and third digits are from ACC_CLASS. If the EOCOUNT value is greater than one, this denotes a case where more than one EO exists at a single mapped feature (MAPNDX), which is called a multiple. Since any combination of plant, animal, or natural community may exist for a multiple, the first digit of Symbology is changed to 8 in order to represent the multiple as a distinct category. For example, Symbology 101 (1 01) indicates a Plant (ELMTYPE = 1), with an accuracy class of 1 (ACC_CLASS = 01, ACCURACY = 80 meters). Symbology 804 indicates a multiple (multiple Elements = 8), with an accuracy class of 4 to 10 (1/10 mile to 5 miles). For Commercial data only, Symbology is 999 for symbolization of Sensitive EO's (SENSITIVE = Y).
Description source
Description of values
Three-digit numbers representing a coded symbology.

Field State_Rank
* Alias State_Rank
* Data type String
* Width 10
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The State Rank is a reflection of the condition and imperilment of an element throughout its range within the state. Both the Global and State ranks represent a letter+number score that reflects a combination of Rarity, Threat and Trend factors, weighted more heavily on the rarity factors. The State Ranks are assigned by California heritage biologists using standard natural heritage methodology. Note: Older ranks, which need to be updated, may still contain a decimal "threat" rank of .1, .2, or .3, where .1 indicates very threatened status, .2 indicates moderate threat, and .3 indicates few or no current known threats.
Description source
List of values
Value S2
Description Imperiled - Imperiled in the state because of rarity due to very restricted range, very few populations (often 20 or fewer), steep declines, or other factors making it very vulnerable to extirpation from the nation or state.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SNR
Description Unranked - State conservation status not yet assessed.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value S3
Description Vulnerable - Vulnerable in the state due to a restricted range, relatively few populations (often 80 or fewer), recent and widespread declines, or other factors making it vulnerable to extirpation.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value S4
Description Apparently Secure - Uncommon but not rare; some cause for long-term concern due to declines or other factors.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SH
Description Possibly Extirpated (Historical) - Species or community occurred historically in the state, and there is some possibility that it may be rediscovered. All sites are historical; the element has not been seen for at least 20 years, but suitable habitat still exists.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value S5
Description Secure - Common, widespread, and abundant in the state.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SnSn
Description Range Rank - A numeric range rank (e.g., S2S3) is used to indicate any range of uncertainty about the status of the species or community.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value ?
Description Qualifier: Inexact or Uncertain - A question mark represents a rank qualifier, denoting an inexact or uncertain numeric rank.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SU
Description Unrankable - Currently unrankable due to a lack of information or due to substantially conflicting information about status or trends.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value S1
Description Critically Imperiled - Critically imperiled in the state because of extreme rarity (often 5 or fewer occurrences) or because of some factor(s) such as very steep declines making it especially vulnerable to extirpation from the state.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SX
Description Presumed Extirpated - Species or community is believed to be extirpated from the state. Not located despite intensive searches of historical sites and other appropriate habitat, and virtually no likelihood that it will be rediscovered.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Field Global_Rank
* Alias Global_Rank
* Data type String
* Width 10
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The Global Rank is a reflection of the overall condition and imperilment of an element throughout its global range. Both the Global and State ranks represent a letter+number score that reflects a combination of Rarity, Threat and Trend factors, with weighting being heaviest on the rarity factors. The Global Ranks are assigned by NatureServe in coordination with the appropriate state program(s) where the element occurs.
Description source
List of values
Value GnTn
Description Infraspecific Taxon - The status of infraspecific taxa (subspecies or varieties) are indicated by a T-rank following the species' Global Rank. Rules for assigning T-ranks follow the same principles as those for Global Ranks. However, a T-rank cannot imply the subspecies or variety is more abundant than the species. With the subspecies, the G-rank reflects the condition of the entire species, whereas the T-rank reflects the global situation of just the subspecies or variety.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value G1
Description Critically Imperiled - At very high risk of extinction due to extreme rarity (often 5 or fewer populations), very steep declines, or other factors.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value GnGn
Description Range Rank - A numeric range rank (e.g., G2G3) is used to indicate the range of uncertainty about the exact status of a taxon or community.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value GX
Description Presumed Extinct (species) - Not located despite intensive searches and virtually no likelihood of rediscovery. Extinct (ecological communities and systems) - Eliminated throughout its range, with no restoration potential due to extinction of dominant or characteristic taxa and/or elimination of the sites and ecological processes on which the type depends.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value G2
Description Imperiled - At high risk of extinction due to very restricted range, very few populations (often 20 or fewer), steep declines, or other factors.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value G3
Description Vulnerable - At moderate risk of extinction or elimination due to a restricted range, relatively few populations (often 80 or fewer), recent and widespread declines, or other factors.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value Q
Description Qualifier: Questionable Taxonomy - The distinctiveness of this entity as a taxon or community at the current level is questionable; resolution of this uncertainty may result in change from a species to a subspecies or hybrid, or inclusion of this taxon or type in another taxon or type, with the resulting taxon having a lower-priority (numerically higher) conservation status rank.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value ?
Description Qualifier: Inexact Numeric Rank - A question mark represents a rank qualifier, denoting an inexact or uncertain numeric rank.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value C
Description Qualifier: Captive or Cultivated Only - The taxon or community at present is presumed or possibly extinct or eliminated in the wild across its entire native range but is extant in cultivation, in captivity, as a naturalized population (or populations) outside its native range, or as a reintroduced population or ecosystem restoration, not yet established.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value G5
Description Secure - Common; widespread and abundant.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value G4
Description Apparently Secure - Uncommon but not rare; some cause for long-term concern due to declines or other factors.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value GU
Description Unrankable - Currently unrankable due to a lack of information or due to substantially conflicting information about status or trends.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value GNR
Description Unranked - Global rank not yet assessed.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value GH
Description Possibly Extinct - Known from only historical occurrences but still some hope of rediscovery. There is evidence that the species may be extinct or the ecosystem may be eliminated throughout its range, but not enough to state this with certainty. Examples of such evidence include 1) that a species has not been documented in approximately 20 to 40 years despite some searching or some evidence of significant habitat loss or degradation; 2) that a species or ecosystem has been searched for unsuccessfully, but not thoroughly enough to presume that it is extinct or eliminated throughout its range.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Field Owner_Management
* Alias Owner_Management
* Data type String
* Width 30
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Owner/Manager of site. The type of ownership of the site; private, public (U.S. Forest Service, Bureau of Land Management, etc.), conservation organization, etc., if known.
Description source
Description of values
Owner/Manager of site.

Field Elm_Date
* Alias Elm_Date
* Data type String
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Last Observed Date. The most recent date that an observer actually saw the element at this site according to available information. Format: YYYYMMDD; XX to XXXXXXXX = date component(s) undetermined
Description source
Description of values
Date that element was last observed.

Field Site_Date
* Alias Site_Date
* Data type String
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Site Date/Survey Date. The most recent date that an observer visited the site, according to information available to the CNDDB staff. Format: YYYYMMDD; XX to XXXXXXXX = date component(s) undetermined.
Description source
Description of values
Date of site visit or survey.

Field Other_Status
* Alias Other_Status
* Data type String
* Width 100
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Provides additional status listings for an element. This includes the California Department of Fish and Wildlife's Fully Protected and Species of Special Concern designations.
Description source
List of values
Value CDF
Description California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (S = Sensitive)
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value Audubon
Description Audubon Society
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value USFS
Description United States Forest Service (S = Sensitive)
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Description United States Fish and Wildlife Service (BCC = Bird of Conservation Concern)
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value USBC
Description United States Bird Conservation
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value IUCN
Description International Union for the Conservation of Nature (CD = Conservation Dependent; CR = Critically Endangered; DD = Data Deficient; EN = Endangered; EW = Extinct in the Wild; EX = Extinct; LC = Least Concern; NE = Not Evaluated; NT = Near Threatened; VU = Vulnerable)
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value MMC
Description Marine Mammal Commission (SSC = Species of Special Concern)
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value AFS
Description American Fisheries Society (EN = Endangered; TH = Threatened; VU = Vulnerable)
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value WBWG
Description Western Bat Working Group (H = High Priority; LM = Low-Medium Priority; M = Medium Priority; MH = Medium-High Priority)
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value NMFS
Description National Marine Fisheries Service (SC = Species of Concern)
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SB
Description Seed Banked (BerrySB = Berry Seed Bank; CRES = San Diego Zoo CRES Native Gene Seed Bank; KewBG = Kew Royal Botanic Gardens; RSABG = Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden; SBBG = Santa Barbara Botanic Garden; UCBBG = UC Berkeley Botanical Garden; USDA = US Dept of Agriculture)
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Description Xerces Society (CI = Critically Imperiled; DD = Data Deficient; IM = Imperiled; VU = Vulnerable)
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value ABC
Description American Bird Conservatory (WLBCC = Watch List of Birds of Conservation Concern)
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value BLM
Description Bureau of Land Management (S = Sensitive)
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Field Rare_Plant_Rank
* Alias Rare_Plant_Rank
* Data type String
* Width 4
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The Rare Plant Rank status applies to plants only. The California Native Plant Society currently tracks rare plant species, subspecies, and varieties in California. They are assigned to one of the following "lists" in an effort to categorize their degree of rarity and endangerment:
Description source
List of values
Value 4.2
Description Plants of limited distribution; fairly threatened in California
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 3.1
Description Plants about which we need more information; seriously threatened in California
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 2B.1
Description Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California, but more common elsewhere; seriously threatened in California
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 1B.1
Description Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California and elsewhere; seriously threatened in California
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 1A
Description Plants presumed extinct in California and rare/extinct elsewhere
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 1B.2
Description Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California and elsewhere; fairly threatened in California
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 2A
Description Plants presumed extirpated in California, but more common elsewhere
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 2B.2
Description Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California, but more common elsewhere; fairly threatened in California
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 4.1
Description Plants of limited distribution; seriously threatened in California
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 4.3
Description Plants of limited distribution; not very threatened in California
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 1B.3
Description Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California and elsewhere; not very threatened in California
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 2B.3
Description Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California, but more common elsewhere; not very threatened in California
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 3.3
Description Plants about which we need more information; not very threatened in California
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 3.2
Description Plants about which we need more information; fairly threatened in California
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

* Alias MAPNDX
* Data type String
* Width 5
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Map Index. Uniquely identifies a geographic location. This location may consist of several unconnected features contained in a complex. More than one element occurrence may occur at a given MAPNDX, creating a situation known as a "multiple". For this reason, MAPNDX is NOT unique for each record. Although MAPNDX is assigned sequentially, gaps may appear as records are merged or updated.
Description source
Description of values
Automatically generated identifiers.

Field Occ_Number
* Alias Occ_Number
* Data type SmallInteger
* Width 2
* Precision 5
* Scale 0
Field description
Element Occurrence Number. The occurrence number which uniquely identifies a particular instance of a species or community. Occurrence numbers are assigned sequentially as they are mapped. The first instance mapped for an element is number 1, the eighteenth location is number 18, etc. There may be gaps in the number sequence as occurrences are combined. Taken together, Element_Code and Occ_Number form a primary key for some tables in the CNDDB.
Description source
Description of values
Positive integer specifying a specific occurence of a given element.

Field Presence
* Alias Presence
* Data type String
* Width 20
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Presence refers to the condition of the occurrence at the site when it was last observed.
Description source
List of values
Value Possibly Extirpated
Description Evidence of habitat destruction, or population extirpation has been received by the CNDDB for this site, but questions remain as to whether the element still exists.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value Extirpated
Description Only used when the element has been searched for but not seen for many years or when the habitat is destroyed at this site.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value Presumed Extant
Description The most common entry. An occurrence is presumed to still be in existence until evidence to the contrary is received by the CNDDB.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Field Accuracy
* Alias Accuracy
* Data type String
* Width 20
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Accuracy represents spatial uncertainty in a relative way on a scale of one to ten (from most accurate to least accurate). Accuracy integrates accuracy type and accuracy value (see below).
Description source
List of values
Value 1mi
Description Circular feature with a 1600 meter radius (1 mile). ACCURACY_CLASS = 9
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 80m
Description Specific bounded area with an 80 meter radius. ACCURACY_CLASS = 1
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value specific area
Description Specific bounded area. ACCURACY_CLASS = 2
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 1/10mi
Description Circular feature with a 150 meter radius (1/10 mile). ACCURACY_CLASS = 4
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 1/5mi
Description Circular feature with a 300 meter radius (1/5 mile). ACCURACY_CLASS = 5
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 2/5mi
Description Circular feature with a 600 meter radius (2/5 mile). ACCURACY_CLASS = 6
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 3/5mi
Description Circular feature with a 1000 meter radius (3/5 mile). ACCURACY_CLASS = 7
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 4/5mi
Description Circular feature with a 1300 meter radius (4/5 mile). ACCURACY_CLASS = 8
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value nonspecific area
Description Non-specific bounded area. ACCURACY_CLASS = 3
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value 5mi
Description Circular feature with a 8000 meter radius (5 miles). ACCURACY_CLASS = 10
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

* Data type OID
* Width 4
* Precision 10
* Scale 0
Field description
Internal feature number.
Description source
Description of values
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Federal_Status
* Alias Federal_Status
* Data type String
* Width 20
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Federal Listing Status: United States legal status under the Federal Endangered Species Act (ESA)
Description source
List of values
Value Proposed Threatened
Description The classification provided to an animal or plant that is proposed for federal listing as Threatened in the Federal Register under Section 4 of the Endangered Species Act.
Enumerated domain value definition source USFWS

Value Candidate
Description The classification provided to an animal or plant that has been studied by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Service has concluded that it should be proposed for addition to the Federal Endangered and Threatened species list.
Enumerated domain value definition source USFWS

Value Delisted
Description The plant or animal was previously listed as Endangered or Threatened, but is no longer listed on the Federal Endangered and Threatened species list.
Enumerated domain value definition source USFWS

Value Endangered
Description The classification provided to an animal or plant in danger of extinction within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range.
Enumerated domain value definition source USFWS

Value Proposed Endangered
Description The classification provided to an animal or plant that is proposed for federal listing as Endangered in the Federal Register under Section 4 of the Endangered Species Act.
Enumerated domain value definition source USFWS

Value None
Description The plant or animal has no federal status.
Enumerated domain value definition source USFWS

Value Threatened
Description The classification provided to an animal or plant which is likely to become an Endangered species within the foreseeable future throughout all or a significant portion of its range.
Enumerated domain value definition source USFWS

Field Key_County_Code
* Alias Key_County_Code
* Data type String
* Width 3
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Key County. The county which contains the centrum of this occurrence. In some cases, the centrum may be in an adjacent state.
Description source
List of values
Value INY
Description Inyo
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value ALA
Description Alameda
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value ALP
Description Alpine
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SUT
Description Sutter
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value KNG
Description Kings
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value STA
Description Stanislaus
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SMT
Description San Mateo
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value NVS
Description Nevada State
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value LAS
Description Lassen
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SHA
Description Shasta
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value VEN
Description Ventura
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SLO
Description San Luis Obispo
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value TRI
Description Trinity
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SIS
Description Siskiyou
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value YUB
Description Yuba
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SJQ
Description San Joaquin
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SFO
Description San Francisco
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value LAX
Description Los Angeles
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value MRN
Description Marin
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value RIV
Description Riverside
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value ORE
Description Oregon State
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value YOL
Description Yolo
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value KRN
Description Kern
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value FRE
Description Fresno
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value NEV
Description Nevada
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value MER
Description MERCED
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SIE
Description Sierra
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value MNO
Description Mono
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value IMP
Description Imperial
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value TUL
Description Tulare
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value COL
Description Colusa
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value MAD
Description Madera
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value GLE
Description Glenn
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value MPA
Description Mariposa
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value ORA
Description Orange
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value MOD
Description Modoc
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value PLA
Description Placer
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SCL
Description Santa Clara
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value PLU
Description Plumas
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value ELD
Description El Dorado
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value DNT
Description Del Norte
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value TEH
Description Tehama
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SBD
Description San Bernardino
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SBT
Description San Benito
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value HUM
Description Humboldt
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SCR
Description Santa Cruz
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value NAP
Description Napa
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SON
Description Sonoma
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value LAK
Description Lake
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value MNT
Description Monterey
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SDG
Description San Diego
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SOL
Description Solano
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value ARZ
Description Arizona State
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value TUO
Description Tuolumne
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value AMA
Description Amador
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SAC
Description Sacramento
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value MEN
Description Mendocino
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value CAL
Description Calaveras
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value SBA
Description Santa Barbara
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value BUT
Description Butte
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value CCA
Description Contra Costa
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Field Occ_Rank
* Alias Occ_Rank
* Data type String
* Width 10
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Element Occurrence Rank. Ranks occurrence quality
Description source
List of values
Value Fair
Description Fair (C) - Population small and/or potentially not very viable OR habitat in disturbed, fragmented or otherwise suboptimal condition. Disturbances are more severe and can include nearby development, heavy recreational use, ORV use and damage, heavy weed infestation, and more. Population not expected to persist in the long term but may persist for 10 years.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value Unknown
Description Unknown (U) - Inadequate information exists to rank the occurrence
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value Good
Description Good (B) - Population in very good condition and fairly large for this taxon AND habitat in reasonably good condition. Some disturbances may exist including dirt roads, weed encroachment, nearby incompatible land uses, logging nearby, grazing, etc., but none so severe as to seriously impair species' ability to persist over at least the next 25 years.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value Poor
Description Poor (D) - Population very small and/or non-viable. Habitat may be in good condition, but usually it is not and shows multiple disturbances and features of degradation. Population not expected to persist over 5 years.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value None
Description Extirpated or Possibly Extirpated (X) - Occurrence is no longer at this site
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value Excellent
Description Excellent (A) - Population large and healthy for this taxon AND habitat in excellent condition. Habitat may show some minor disturbances such as the presence of some invasive species, dirt roads, etc. Population expected to be viable at this site for over 50 years, assuming nothing changes.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Field Sensitive
* Alias Sensitive
* Data type String
* Width 1
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Data Sensitive (Suppressed). When an element occurrence is labeled "Sensitive," all location-specific data are restricted/suppressed. Data are considered "Sensitive" by the CNDDB for a number of possible reasons, including: (1) The element or site has been over-collected and restriction of the location information is needed, or (2) The data submitter or landowner requested that we restrict release of the location information for a particular site or element, or (3) A site is in particular jeopardy of purposeful destruction.
Description source
List of values
Value N
Description does not contain sensitive data; normal distribution policy applies
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value Y
Description record contains sensitive data; distribution of locational info is restricted
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Field Key_Quad_Name
* Alias Key_Quad_Name
* Data type String
* Width 27
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Key Quad Name. The name of the USGS 7.5 minute quadrangle map which contains the centrum of this occurrence.
Description source
Description of values
Quad names for California.

* Alias EONDX
* Data type Integer
* Width 4
* Precision 10
* Scale 0
Field description
Element Occurrence Index. An integer primary key that is unique for each Element Occurrence. Although EONDX is assigned sequentially, gaps may appear as records are merged or updated.
Description source
Description of values
Automatically generated identifiers.

Field CDFW_Status
* Alias CDFW_Status
* Data type String
* Width 14
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The California Department of Fish and Wildlife Status applies to animals only, as follows. For more detailed information, please see the CDFW website.
Description source
List of values
Value WL
Description Watch List: This classification is for taxa that were previously SSCs but no longer merit SSC status or which do not meet SSC criteria but for which there is concern and a need for additional information to clarify status.

Value SSC
Description Species of Special Concern: This classification is for a species, subspecies, or distinct population of an animal native to California that is extirpated from the State, or is listed as Federally-, but not State-, threatened or endangered, or meets the State definition of threatened or endangered but has not formally been listed, or is experiencing serious (noncyclical) population declines or range retractions, or has naturally small populations exhibiting high susceptibility to risk from any factor(s) that could lead to declines that would qualify it for State threatened or endangered status.

Value FP
Description Fully Protected: This classification was the State's initial effort in the 1960's to identify and provide additional protection to those animals that were rare or faced possible extinction. Please note that most Fully Protected species have also been listed as threatened or endangered species under the more recent endangered species laws and regulations.

Field Element_Code
* Alias Element_Code
* Data type String
* Width 10
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Element code. A ten-character (ten-byte) code assigned to each element by NatureServe (NS) for data management purposes. These codes are common to all Natural Heritage Programs and Conservation Data Centers both within and outside the United States and allow efficient inter-jurisdictional communication.
Description source
List of values
Value IM%
Description Mollusks
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value PG%
Description Gymnosperms
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value PM%
Description Monocots
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value IC%
Description Crustaceans
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value CT%
Description Terrestrial Community
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value AM%
Description Mammals
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value AF%
Description Fish
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value PP%
Description Ferns
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value NL%
Description Lichens
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value CA%
Description Aquatic Inland Water Community
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value II%
Description Insects
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value CL%
Description Aquatic Palustrine Community
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value CM%
Description Aquatic Marine Community
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value CE%
Description Aquatic Estuarine Community
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value IL%
Description Arachnids
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value CR%
Description Aquatic Riverine Community
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value AB%
Description Birds
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value PD%
Description Dicots
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value AA%
Description Amphibians
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value AR%
Description Reptiles
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Value NB%
Description Bryophytes
Enumerated domain value definition source NatureServe

Field State_Status
* Alias State_Status
* Data type String
* Width 20
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
California State listing status: State of California listing status under the California Endangered Species Act (CESA) for Threatened or Endangered species and under NPPA for Rare species. Taxa with status = None or Delisted still may have status under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Description source
List of values
Value Delisted
Description The plant or animal was previously listed as Endangered, Threatened or Rare but is no longer listed by the State of California.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Fish and Game Commission

Value Candidate Threatened
Description The classification provided to a native species or subspecies of a bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile, or plant that the Fish and Game Commission has formally noticed as being under review by the Department of Fish and Wildlife for addition to the list of threatened species, or a species for which the commission has published a notice of proposed regulation to add the species to the list of threatened species.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Fish and Game Commission

Value Endangered
Description The classification provided to a native species or subspecies of a bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile, or plant which is in serious danger of becoming extinct throughout all, or a significant portion, of its range due to one or more causes, including loss of habitat, change in habitat, overexploitation, predation, competition, or disease.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Fish and Game Commission

Value Rare
Description The classification provided to a native plant species, subspecies, or variety when, although not presently threatened with extinction, it is in such small numbers throughout its range that it may become endangered if its present environment worsens. This designation stems from the Native Plant Protection Act of 1977.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Fish and Game Commission

Value None
Description The plant or animal has no state status.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Fish and Game Commission

Value Threatened
Description The classification provided to a native species or subspecies of a bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile, or plant that, although not presently threatened with extinction, is likely to become an endangered species in the foreseeable future in the absence of special protection and management efforts.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Fish and Game Commission

Value Candidate Endangered
Description The classification provided to a native species or subspecies of a bird, mammal, fish, amphibian, reptile, or plant that the Fish and Game Commission has formally noticed as being under review by the Department of Fish and Wildlife for addition to the list of endangered species, or a species for which the commission has published a notice of proposed regulation to add the species to the list of endangered species.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Fish and Game Commission

Field Common_Name
* Alias Common_Name
* Data type String
* Width 60
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Common Name of an element, recognized at the state level. The Common_Name value for natural communities is the same as that for Scientific_Name.
Description source
Description of values
Common Name of an element.

Field Scientific_Name
* Alias Scientific_Name
* Data type String
* Width 60
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Scientific Name. The scientific (Latin) name of a plant or animal, or the name of a Natural Community recognized at the state level.
Description source
Description of values
Scientific Name.

Field Occ_Type
* Alias Occ_Type
* Data type String
* Width 40
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Occ_Type indicates the origin of the occurrence at the site.
Description source
List of values
Value Transplant Outside of Native Habitat/Range
Description The element was transplanted to this location, which is outside of its native habitat or range.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value Introduced Back into Native Habitat/Range
Description The element was introduced back into its native habitat or range.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value Refugium; Artificial Habitat/Occurrence
Description The element is not naturally occurring at this location, which is not within its native habitat or range..
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Value Natural/Native occurrence
Description The most common entry. The occurrence is native to the area and is naturally occurring.
Enumerated domain value definition source CNDDB

Field Shape.STArea()
* Alias Shape.STArea()
* Data type Double
* Width 0
* Precision 0
* Scale 0

Field Shape.STLength()
* Alias Shape.STLength()
* Data type Double
* Width 0
* Precision 0
* Scale 0

Overview Description
Entity and Attribute Overview
This dataset can display positive sightings of rare plants and animals, and terrestrial and aquatic communities.

Entity and Attribute Detail Citation
The symbolic display of the dataset is typically based on three pieces of information. The CNDDB scientist determines the accuracy of the reported location of the occurrence (reported as ACC_CLASS or ACCURACY), the type of element at the occurrence, and how many occurrences share the same spatial feature. Additional fields describe the listing status, ranking, location, site description and source references, to name a few.

Metadata Details

Metadata language English(UNITED STATES)
Metadata character set utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format

Scope of the data described by the metadata dataset
Scope name * dataset

Last update 2024-03-31

ArcGIS metadata properties
Metadata format ArcGIS1.0
Metadata style North American Profile of ISO19115 2003

Created in ArcGIS for the item 2024-03-3122:44:19
Last modified in ArcGIS for the item 2024-18-01012NnS2100

Automatic updates
Have been performed No
Last update 2024-04-0100:16:22

Metadata Contacts

Metadata contact
Organization's name California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Biogeographic Data Branch
Contact's role point of contact

Contact information
Type postal
Delivery point P.O. Box 944209
City Sacramento
Administrative area CA
Postal code 94244-2090
Country US
e-mail address

Hours of service
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM PST