Eelgrass - R7 - CDFW [ds1503]

File Geodatabase Feature Class

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Eelgrass, seagrass, Zostera


The purpose of this feature is to depict eelgrass distribution over time across the state of California.


Zostera marina , or eelgrass, grows intertidally and in the shallow subtidal of estuaries, bays, and other protected coastal areas of the ecoregion. It is a flowering plant, not an alga, and often occurs in dense beds. It helps prevent erosion and maintain stability near shore by anchoring sediment with its spreading rhizomes and slowing water flow. Eelgrass beds also provide foraging, breeding, and nursery areas for many species of invertebrates, fish, and birds. This file aggregates data from many sources across multiple years; see supplemental info.


Please email for supplemental information for regional differences in source data.

Use limitations

License: This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( ). Using the citation standards recommended for BIOS datasets ( ) satisfies the attribution requirements of this license.

Disclaimer: The State makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or adequacy of these data and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in these data. No warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and freedom from computer virus, is given with respect to these data.


West -124.405444 East -116.714858
North 42.015254 South 32.569839

Scale Range
Maximum (zoomed in) 1:500,000
Minimum (zoomed out) 1:150,000,000

ArcGIS Metadata

Topics and Keywords

Themes or categories of the resource biota, environment

* Content type Downloadable Data
Export to FGDC CSDGM XML format as Resource Description No

Place keywords California

Theme keywords Eelgrass, seagrass, Zostera


Title Eelgrass - R7 - CDFW [ds1503]
Publication date 2024-05-3000:00:00

Presentation formats * digital map

Citation Contacts

Responsible party
Individual's name Marine Region GIS
Organization's name California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Contact's role point of contact

Contact information
Voice (831) 649-7143

Type both
Delivery point 20 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Suite 100
City Monterey
Administrative area CA
Postal code 93953
Country US
e-mail address

Resource Details

Dataset languages * English(UNITED STATES)
Dataset character set utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format

Status completed
Spatial representation type * vector

Supplemental information
11/16/16 5/4/2016 Update of San Francisco Bay with data from Merkel & Associates (2014). This data should approximate previous data from ERMA, (see below) however, some topological differences were noted and previous features were replaced in favor of these records directly from Merkel and Associates. Features are aggregated with attributes dropped. See original source data for additional detail. Digital maps of the distribution of eelgrass throughout San Francisco Bay were created from interferometric side-scan survey data. Following completion of the surveys, sonar traces were downloaded and processed into rectified mosaic images in a GeoTiff format using Chesapeake Technologies, Inc. Sonar Wiz. Eelgrass was mapped by manually digitizing from registered sidescan mosaics and aerial photographs using ESRI ArcGIS software. Update of Estero Americano with data from Andrew Weltz, CDFW (2014). Bed areas in the Estero Americano were surveyed between June and September 2014 by CDFW staff using global positioning system (GPS) technology, observation, and field notes. Polygon features were digitized from the survey data with the aid of 2012 National Agriculture Imagery Program (NAIP) imagery. Update of Big River Estuary with data from Andrew Weltz, CDFW (2015). Bed areas in the Big River estuary were surveyed on 9/21/2015 by CDFW staff using global positioning system (GPS) technology, observations, and field notes. Polygon features were digitized from the survey data with the aid of 2012 NAIP imagery. Update of Albion River Estuary with data from Andrew Weltz, CDFW (2014, 2015). Bed areas in the Albion River estuary were initially surveyed on 10/3/2014 by CDFW staff using GPS, observations, and field notes, with a follow-up survey on 5/21/2015. Polygon features were digitized from the survey data with the aid of 2012 NAIP imagery. Update of Bodega Bay harbor and Drakes Estero with data from Ocean Imaging (2010). This vector dataset was developed for the Sea Grant MPA Baseline Program as part of the project High Resolution Nearshore Substrate Mapping and Persistence with Multispectral Aerial Imagery (#R/MPA17 09-015). The study region is the California North Central Coast (NCC). The imagery used for this habitat classification were collected by Ocean Imaging (OI) and Fugro EarthData. OI acquired this imagery on 03/26/2010 using the Digital Multispectral Camera (DMSC). Details on this system and the data processing are below in the Lineage section of this document. Fugro EarthData acquired the imagery used for this project between 09/22/2010 09/23/2010 and delivered fully georeferenced and orthorectified, 12-bit imagery with a spatial resolution of 0.30 meters to OI in 2011. Details on this system and the data processing are also below in the Lineage section of this document. Individual DMSC and ADS40 scenes were mosaicked into sections based on the USGS orthoquads for the California North Central Coast in order to generate the multispectral imagery required to produce the habitat classification thematic maps of the California North Central Coasts intertidal region and kelp beds from Pigeon Point up to Point Arena, including select bays and river mouths designated as MPAs. 9/9/2014 Update of San Francisco Bay and southern California regions (including Channel Islands) with sources available from NOAA's Environmental Response Management Application (ERMA - See source features for specific survey data. 7/29/2013 Update area of Tomales Bay based on data recieved by Andrew Weltz, California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Source metadata: Abstract: Bed extents were digitized based on 2010 aerial imagery and 2013 ground-truthing surveys. Description: Zostera marina bed extents were digitized from 2010 CDFW aerial imagery. Photographs were taken on 6/29/2010 on the incoming tide following a -0.5 ft. low at 08:25. Photographs were georeferenced 5/6-5/8/2013. This shapefile was created 5/8/2013 - 7/26/2013. Credits: Shapefile digitized by Andrew Weltz of CDFW's Aquaculture and Bay Management Project from aerial photographs taken by Ron VanBenthuysen of CDFW and georeferenced by Andrew Weltz. 11/15/2009 Updated areas around Humboldt Bay with data provided by John Mello, CDFG. Those data derived from year 2000 IR imagery. Metadata abastract below: The areal distribution of Humboldt Bay (Humboldt County) California eelgrass was examined from aerial photographs taken in 18 September 2000 and on-ground observations. In ArcView 3.2 Geographic Information Systems (GIS) software the polygon drawing tool was used to delineate the extent of eelgrass coverage in the bay (Shull and Bulthuis 2002). Polygons were converted to shape files using ArcView 3.2 to calculate the areal distribution of eelgrass in hectares. The photomosaic was used to calculate eelgrass distribution. The lower intertidal limits of eelgrass beds were delineated using Humboldt Bay channels verified by visual observation during minus tides. Tidal elevation delineates the upper intertidal perimeter of the eelgrass beds adjacent to the shore. The upper intertidal perimeter of eelgrass beds was confirmed by walking to these areas at low tide or using a small boat at high tide and recording positions of bed perimeters with a handheld GPS. The GPS positions were compared with the delineation of the beds from the 2000 photo-mosaic. Only large continuous beds were measured. Pools and depressions in mid to high intertidal mudflats containing eelgrass were not included in the survey nor were eelgrass patches in sloughs around the bay. Seventeen eelgrass beds were defined, but only nine were used in the study (Fig. 1). Four eelgrass beds were in North Bay (beds 1, 4, 5, 6,), two in Central Bay (beds 9, 10) and three in South Bay (beds 12, 13, 15). Deep-water channels define the entire perimeter of bed 5 and the lower tidal elevation of beds 1, 4, 6, 9, 10,12, 13, and 15. Sample sites were located outside of shellfish culture operations. Large continuous eelgrass beds in North and South bays and narrow fringing beds in Central Bay cover 1890 ha. 6/27/05 Loaded additional areas for Elkhorn Slough eelgrass beds defined by Eric VanDyke. No additional attributes or metadata provided. Transmittal posted here: from: Eric VanDyke Chad, Heres the Sherry Palacios/Dick Zimmerman seagrass shapefile (UTM zone 10, WGS84) collected from a boat using differential GPS on April 4, 2000. Im not all that impressed, but its what weve got. Ive also attached the shapefile over an April 2001 color infrared image, for comparison. cheers, -eric
* Processing environment Microsoft Windows 10 Version 10.0 (Build 19045) ; Esri ArcGIS

Please email for supplemental information for regional differences in source data.
ArcGIS item properties
* Name ds1503
* Size 0.000
* Location file://\\geodata.\\BIOSOnline\Refresh\TODOData\BIOSOnlineData.gdb
* Access protocol Local Area Network


Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
Extent type Extent used for searching
* West longitude -124.405444
* East longitude -116.714858
* North latitude 42.015254
* South latitude 32.569839
* Extent contains the resource Yes

Extent in the item's coordinate system
* West longitude -365890.625900
* East longitude 272757.643000
* South latitude -597154.320700
* North latitude 444119.991800
* Extent contains the resource Yes

Resource Points of Contact

Point of contact
Individual's name Marine Region GIS
Organization's name California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Contact's role point of contact

Contact information
Voice (831) 649-7143

Type both
Delivery point 20 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Suite 100
City Monterey
Administrative area CA
Postal code 93953
Country US
e-mail address

Resource Maintenance

Resource maintenance
Update frequency as needed

Resource Constraints

Limitations of use

License: This work is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License ( ). Using the citation standards recommended for BIOS datasets ( ) satisfies the attribution requirements of this license.

Disclaimer: The State makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or adequacy of these data and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in these data. No warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and freedom from computer virus, is given with respect to these data.

Spatial Reference

ArcGIS coordinate system
* Type Projected
* Geographic coordinate reference GCS_North_American_1983
* Projection NAD_1983_California_Teale_Albers
* Coordinate reference details
Projected coordinate system
Well-known identifier 3310
X origin -16909700
Y origin -8597000
XY scale 10000
Z origin -100000
Z scale 10000
M origin -100000
M scale 10000
XY tolerance 0.001
Z tolerance 0.001
M tolerance 0.001
High precision true
Latest well-known identifier 3310
VCSWKID 115702
LatestVCSWKID 115702
Well-known text PROJCS["NAD_1983_California_Teale_Albers",GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",DATUM["D_North_American_1983",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Albers"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",0.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",-4000000.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-120.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",34.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_2",40.5],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0],AUTHORITY["EPSG",3310]],VERTCS["NAD_1983",DATUM["D_North_American_1983",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]],PARAMETER["Vertical_Shift",0.0],PARAMETER["Direction",1.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0],AUTHORITY["Esri",115702]]

Reference system identifier
* Value 3310
* Codespace EPSG
* Version 6.8(9.2.0)

Spatial Data Properties

* Level of topology for this dataset geometry only

Geometric objects
Feature class name ds1503
* Object type composite
* Object count 0

ArcGIS Feature Class Properties
Feature class name ds1503
* Feature type Simple
* Geometry type Polygon
* Has topology FALSE
* Feature count 0
* Spatial index FALSE
* Linear referencing FALSE

Geoprocessing history

Date 2024-05-3013:47:26
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Conversion Tools.tbx\ExportFeatures
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Date 2024-05-3013:48:02
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Project
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Date 2024-05-3013:48:30
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Rename
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No


Available format
* Name SDE Feature Class

Transfer options
* Transfer size 0.617

Online source
* Location Server=marinesde2; Database=mr_gis; User=mrloader; Version=
* Access protocol ArcSDE Connection
* Description Downloadable Data

Distribution format
* Name File Geodatabase Feature Class

Transfer options
* Transfer size 0.000

Online source
Function performed information

Online source
Function performed download


Details for object ds1503
* Type Feature Class
* Row count 0

* Data type OID
* Width 4
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
* Field description
Internal feature number.
* Description source
* Description of values
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Shape
* Alias Shape
* Data type Geometry
* Width 0
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
* Field description
Feature geometry.
* Description source
* Description of values
Coordinates defining the features.

Field fsource
* Alias fsource
* Data type String
* Width 150
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Survey contributors.

Field Year
* Alias Year
* Data type Integer
* Width 4
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Year eelgrass data were collected.

Field Location
* Alias Location
* Data type String
* Width 254
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Description of major area where each survey was conducted.

Field area_acres
* Alias area_acres
* Data type Single
* Width 4
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The total area, in acres, represented by each polygon feature for the indicated survey effort at that location in that year.

Field Shape_Length
* Alias Shape_Length
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
* Field description
Length of feature in internal units.
* Description source
* Description of values
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Shape_Area
* Alias Shape_Area
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
* Field description
Area of feature in internal units squared.
* Description source
* Description of values
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Metadata Details

* Metadata language English(UNITED STATES)
* Metadata character set utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format

* Metadata identifier {F9E6680E-D865-4138-9081-39B9D466905B}

Scope of the data described by the metadata * dataset
Scope name * dataset

* Last update 2024-05-30

ArcGIS metadata properties
Metadata format ArcGIS1.0
Metadata style North American Profile of ISO19115 2003
Standard or profile used to edit metadata FGDC

Created in ArcGIS for the item 2024-05-3013:47:39
Last modified in ArcGIS for the item 2024-05-3013:47:19

Automatic updates
Have been performed Yes
Last update 2024-05-3013:47:19

Published to an ArcIMS Metadata Service Published

Item location history
Item copied or moved 2016-11-1610:39:23
From D:\Eelgrass_updates\Data\HAB_CA_Eelgrass_append
To \\WR72UA5241823\D$\Eelgrass_updates\Shapefiles\HAB_CA_Eelgrass_append

Metadata Contacts

Metadata contact
Individual's name Marine Region GIS
Organization's name California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Contact's role point of contact

Contact information
Voice (831) 649-7143

Type both
Delivery point 20 Lower Ragsdale Drive, Suite 100
City Monterey
Administrative area CA
Postal code 93953
Country US
e-mail address

Metadata Maintenance

Update frequency as needed

Thumbnail and Enclosures