Biota Selenium Assessment - Salton Sea [ds296]


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Selenium, Sediment, Ecological Risk Assessment


This data was created to support efforts by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) to assess the potential risks from selenium to ecological receptors under the Salton Sea Ecosystem Restoration Program. The collected data serve as baseline data to describe current selenium conditions in the Salton Sea ecosystem for abiotic (water, sediment, and soil) and biotic (aquatic and terrestrial organisms) media. Historical data was incorporated from numerous sources as well as recent analytical data for samples collected in the spring of 2005. Historical data included in the database focus on selenium (and related compounds), although other metals may have been included depending on whether the data were available electronically or hard-copy. The 2005 samples were specifically collected to address data gaps pertaining to the ecological risk assessment for selenium. However, some of these sample analyses were also used to support human health risk assessment activities and include other inorganics, pesticides, polychorinated biphenyls, and semi-volatile organics. Soil and shoreline sediment samples were used to support assessments of potential for health risks from exposure to dried lakebed sediments in a shrinking future Salton Sea.


The entire dataset contains analytical results (17,884 records) for abiotic (water, sediment, and soil) and biotic (aquatic and terrestrial organisms) media in and near the Salton Sea. The dataset was broken into four separate datasets - biota, soil, water, and sediment. The data was created in 2005 to support efforts by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) to assess the potential risks from selenium to ecological receptors under the Salton Sea Ecosystem Restoration Program. The database incorporates historical data from numerous sources (dating back to 1978) as well as recent analytical data for samples collected in the spring of 2005 to specifically address data gaps pertaining to the risk assessment for selenium as documented in the Final Report on Selenium at the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps (DWR 2005a). Additionally, some of these sample analyses were used to support human health risk assessment activities. Other analytical data include the results of two bench-scale tests using Salton Sea sediments and water to measure selenium flux from intact sediment cores and selenium bioaccumululation using aquatic invertebrates. This data is the basis for interim data processing steps, which were used to first select a subset of data for use in the ecorisk analysis, and secondly to tranform that subset into a grid estimating soil selenium concentrations on a 200-meter grid on the Salton Sea lakebed.


CH2M HILL compiled this dataset for the California Department of Water Resources. Data from multiple sources are included within this database. See full listing of sources in entity attribute metadata, for attribute "Source_Cod".

Use limitations


Disclaimer : The State makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or adequacy of these data and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in these data. No warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and freedom from computer virus, is given with respect to these data.


West -116.115578 East -114.194947
North 34.436392 South 32.691096

Scale Range
Maximum (zoomed in) 1:5,000
Minimum (zoomed out) 1:150,000,000

ArcGIS Metadata

Topics and Keywords

Themes or categories of the resource biota, environment, geoscientificInformation, inlandWaters

Content type Downloadable Data
Export to FGDC CSDGM XML format as Resource Description No

Place keywords Salton Sea, California, Colorado River

Theme keywords PEIR, Ecosystem Management Plan, Department of Water Resources, Department of Fish and Wildlife, selenium, biota, Programmatic Environmental Impact Report


Title Biota Selenium Assessment - Salton Sea [ds296]
Publication date 2006-01-0100:00:00

Presentation formats * digital map

Citation Contacts

Responsible party
Individual's name Steve Long
Organization's name CH2M Hill
Contact's position Environmental Scientist
Contact's role point of contact

Contact information
Voice 916-920-0300
Fax 916-920-8463

Type both
City Sacramento
Administrative area California
Country US
e-mail address

Resource Details

Dataset languages * English(UNITED STATES)
Dataset character set utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format

Spatial representation type

* Processing environment Microsoft Windows 10 Version 10.0 (Build 19042) ; Esri ArcGIS

CH2M HILL compiled this dataset for the California Department of Water Resources. Data from multiple sources are included within this database. See full listing of sources in entity attribute metadata, for attribute "Source_Cod".
ArcGIS item properties
* Name ds296
* Size 0.002
* Location file://\\geodata.\bios\WorkArea\BIOSOnline\Refresh\TODOData\BIOSOnlineData.gdb
* Access protocol Local Area Network


Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
Extent type Extent used for searching
* West longitude -116.115578
* East longitude -114.194947
* North latitude 34.436392
* South latitude 32.691096
* Extent contains the resource Yes

Extent in the item's coordinate system
* West longitude 364353.615809
* East longitude 533534.189832
* South latitude -575238.141213
* North latitude -390126.304929
* Extent contains the resource Yes

Resource Points of Contact

Point of contact
Individual's name Steve Long
Organization's name CH2M Hill
Contact's position Environmental Scientist
Contact's role point of contact

Contact information
Voice 916-920-0300
Fax 916-920-8463

Type both
City Sacramento
Administrative area California
Country US
e-mail address

Point of contact
Individual's name Trudy Pulley
Organization's name CH2M Hill
Contact's position Environmental Toxicologist
Contact's role point of contact

Contact information
Voice 317-877-1356

Type both
City Sacramento
Administrative area California
Country US
e-mail address

* Point of contact
* Individual's name Steve Long
* Organization's name CH2M Hill
* Contact's position Environmental Scientist
* Contact's role point of contact

Contact information
* Voice 916-920-0300
* Fax 916-920-8463

* City Sacramento
* Administrative area California
* Country US
* e-mail address

Resource Maintenance

Resource maintenance
Update frequency not planned

Resource Constraints

Limitations of use


Disclaimer : The State makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or adequacy of these data and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in these data. No warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and freedom from computer virus, is given with respect to these data.

Spatial Reference

ArcGIS coordinate system
* Type Projected
* Geographic coordinate reference GCS_North_American_1983
* Projection NAD_1983_California_Teale_Albers
* Coordinate reference details
Projected coordinate system
Well-known identifier 3310
X origin -16909700
Y origin -8597000
XY scale 266332319.7555542
Z origin -100000
Z scale 10000
M origin -100000
M scale 10000
XY tolerance 0.001
Z tolerance 0.001
M tolerance 0.001
High precision true
Latest well-known identifier 3310
Well-known text PROJCS["NAD_1983_California_Teale_Albers",GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",DATUM["D_North_American_1983",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Albers"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",0.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",-4000000.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-120.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",34.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_2",40.5],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0],AUTHORITY["EPSG",3310]]

Reference system identifier
* Value 3310
* Codespace EPSG
* Version 6.8(9.2.0)

Spatial Data Properties

* Level of topology for this dataset geometry only

Geometric objects
Feature class name ds296
* Object type point
* Object count 0

ArcGIS Feature Class Properties
Feature class name ds296
* Feature type Simple
* Geometry type Point
* Has topology FALSE
* Feature count 0
* Spatial index TRUE
* Linear referencing FALSE

Geoprocessing history

Date 2022-03-1514:07:11
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Conversion Tools.tbx\FeatureClassToFeatureClass
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Date 2022-03-1514:07:20
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Project
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Date 2022-03-1514:07:29
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Rename
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No


Available format
* Name File Geodatabase Feature Class

Transfer options
* Transfer size 0.049

Online source
* Location file://\\geodata.\\ds200-299\296-Biota_Salton_Sea\v2\v2_final\ds296.gdb
* Access protocol Local Area Network
* Description Downloadable Data

Distribution format
Name shapefile

Transfer options
* Transfer size 0.002

Online source
Function performed information

Online source
Function performed download


Details for object ds296
* Type Feature Class
* Row count 0
Biota Selenium Assessment, Salton Sea [ds296]

* Data type OID
* Width 4
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
* Field description
Internal feature number.
* Description source
* Description of values
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Shape
* Alias Shape
* Data type Geometry
* Width 0
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
* Field description
Feature geometry.
* Description source
* Description of values
Coordinates defining the features.

* Data type Date
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Date sample was collected. In some cases only the year was available, and a default date of 1/1/year was entered.

Field YEAR
* Alias YEAR
* Data type String
* Width 10
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Year that samples were collected. If an "R" appears with the year, then the sampling date was not presented in the source report and the publication year of the report is listed.

* Data type String
* Width 60
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Sample identification. Note - in many cases the data report did not list both a location ID and sample ID. In these cases the available information was entered under both fields.

* Data type String
* Width 40
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
General taxonomic group for biota samples.
List of values
Value Amphibian
Description Amphibians (e.g., frog)

Value Aquatic invertebrate
Description Invertebrates found predominantly in the water column

Value Aquatic Plant
Description Algae or floating aquatic plants (non-rooted)

Value Benthic macroinvertebrate
Description Invertebrates found associated with sediments (e.g., amphipods, clams)

Value Bird
Description Avians

Value Fish
Description Fish

Value Reptile
Description Reptiles (e.g., lizard)

Value Rooted aquatic plant
Description Aquatic plants that are rooted in the substrate

Value Small Mammal
Description Mammals of smaller size (e.g., mouse)

Value Terrestrial invertebrate
Description Invertebrates living in upland terrestrial areas

Value Terrestrial plant
Description Plants found in upland terrestrial areas

* Alias SNAME
* Data type String
* Width 50
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Scientific name of biota samples.

* Alias CNAME
* Data type String
* Width 60
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Common name of biota samples.

* Alias TISSUE
* Data type String
* Width 20
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Tissue type analyzed from biota sample.
List of values
Value whole body
Description For animal samples

Value muscle
Description For animal samples

Value kidney
Description For animal samples

Value liver
Description For animal samples

Value egg
Description For animal samples

Value soft tissue
Description For animal samples

Value whole plant
Description For plant samples

Value leaves
Description For plant samples

Value roots
Description For plant samples

Value columns
Description For plant samples

Value stems
Description For plant samples

Value seeds
Description For plant samples

* Data type String
* Width 15
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Sample method, where information was available.
List of values
Value Grab

Value Composite

Value Comp of 2

Value Comp of 3

Value Comp of 5

Value Comp of 6

Value individual

Value Extracted

Value HS

* Alias CAS_NUM
* Data type String
* Width 25
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
CAS number of analyte. Included only if the information was available in source document.

* Data type String
* Width 50
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Analyte name reported in the source document.

Field TYPE
* Alias TYPE
* Data type String
* Width 5
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Sorting field for inorganics (I), organics (O), general chemistry (IG), or physical characteristics (P)
List of values
Value I
Description inorganics

Value O
Description organics

Value IG
Description general chemistry

Value P
Description physical characteristics

* Data type String
* Width 50
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Analyte name used in the EcoRA.

* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Concentration of analyte after validation.

* Data type String
* Width 10
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Units of measure for result.

* Data type String
* Width 5
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Data usability flags determined by validation.
List of values
Value U
Description Indicates the compound was analyzed for but not detected.
Enumerated domain value definition source EPA Data Qualifiers

Value J
Description Indicates an estimated value. This flag is used when the mass spectral data indicates the presence of a compound below the practical quantification limit. The "J" qualifier is not used with pesticide results.

Value B
Description This flag is used when the analyte is found in the associated blank as well as the sample. This notation indicates possible blank contamination and suggests the data user evaluate these compounds and their carefully.

* Alias DETECT
* Data type String
* Width 5
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
"Y" or "N" entered if analyte result was considered a detect or non-detect.

* Data type String
* Width 10
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Type of QA/QC sample.
List of values
Value BD
Description Blank duplicate

Value BS
Description Blank spike

Value EB
Description Equipment blank

Value FD
Description Field duplicate

Value LB
Description Laboratory blank

Value LCS
Description Laboratory control sample

Value LR
Description Laboratory replicate

Value LS
Description Laboratory sample

Value MS
Description Matrix spike

Value N
Description Normal field sample

Value SD
Description Spike duplicate

Value SRM
Description Standard reference

Value TB
Description Trip blank

* Data type String
* Width 5
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Data quality level assigned based on the rules set forth in the Data Gaps report (DWR 2005a).

* Data type String
* Width 50
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
"Yes" or "No" entered to identify if data was considered of usable quality.

* Data type String
* Width 50
* Precision 0
* Scale 0

* Data type String
* Width 75
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Any comments related to the data record.

* Alias LAB_NAME
* Data type String
* Width 5
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Laboratory name for data incorporated from electronic deliverable. Included only where information was available.
List of values
Value LET
Description LET, Inc.

Value CAS
Description Columbia Analytical Services, Inc.

Value BR
Description Brooks-Rand, Inc.

* Data type String
* Width 50
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Sample delivery group. Included only if the information was available.

* Data type String
* Width 50
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Laboratory sample identifier. Included only if the information was available.

* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Dilution necessary to analyzed sample. Included only if the information was available.

* Data type String
* Width 50
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
"Y" or "N" entered if sample is a surrogate. Only included if information was available.

* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Reporting limit. Included only if information was available.

* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0

* Alias RL_ADJST
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0

* Alias LOCTN_ID
* Data type String
* Width 60
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Location of sample, as referenced by the sampling entity. The Location ID contains common geographic references (e.g. Poe Road, Davis Road), such as street names, river mouths (e.g. Whitewater, Alamo, New), and sample location identifiers assigned by the sampling entity (S-154, S-371). This field cannot be null.

Field SITE
* Alias SITE
* Data type String
* Width 50
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Populated only when specific information was available. Lists general site of sampling.

* Alias CRNT_HAB
* Data type String
* Width 10
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Habitat area in which sample occurs. Added to for use in risk assessments and evaluation of alternatives.
Description source
See attribute domain values under attribute "Future_Habitat_NAA"

* Alias FUTR_HAB
* Data type String
* Width 10
* Precision 0
* Scale 0

* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Surface water gauging station where sample was collected. Populated only when information was available.

* Data type String
* Width 10
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Quadrant of the Salton Sea where sample was collected. Coding was completed based on information provided in the source report.
List of values
Value CTR
Description Center of the Salton Sea

Value LAB
Description Lab sample

Value N/A
Description Not located in the Salton Sea

Value N-CTR
Description North-center of the Salton Sea

Value NE
Description Northeast quadrant of the Salton Sea

Value NW
Description Northwest quadrant of the Salton Sea

Value NW/NE
Description North end of the Salton Sea

Value NW/SW
Description Along the western side of the Salton Sea

Value S-CTR
Description South-central

Value SE
Description Southeast quadrant of the Salton Sea.

Value SW
Description Southwest quadrant of the Salton Sea

Value SW/SE
Description South end of the Salton Sea

* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0

* Alias SRC_CODE
* Data type String
* Width 20
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Alpha-numeric code identifying the primary source for the data record.
List of values
Value AUD
Description Audet, D.J., W. Radke, L.H. Creekmore, G. Braden, and C.A. Roberts. Undated. Eared Grebe Mortality in Imperial County, California, 1991-1993.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value BEN
Description Bennett, J. 1998. Biological Effects of Selenium and Other Contaminants Associated with Irrigation Drainage in the Salton Sea Area, California 1992-1994. Department of the Interior, National Irrigation Water Quality Program. Information Report No. 4, December.
Enumerated domain value definition source Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value CVWD
Description Coachella Valley Water District. 1990. Data provided for Coachella Valley Stormwater Channel (Whitewater River) by Mark Johnson, Director of Engineering. Dated February 8, 2005. and Coachella Valley Water District. 2005. Data provided for Coachella Valley
Enumerated domain value definition source Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Description Gersberg, R.M. and J. Wright. Undated. Results of Selenium Analyses on Soils, Plants, and Biota from the Salton Sea Basin. Draft. California State University at San Diego, Graduate School of Public Health State. Undated, In review, provided by the Salton Sea Science Office. In press.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value HOL
Description Holdren, G.C., (unpublished). U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO. Unpublished data provided to Steven Long/CH2M HILL on May 2, 2005.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Description Holdren, G.C., and A. Montao. 2002. Chemical and Physical Limnology of the Salton Sea, California - 1999. Technical Memorandum No.8220-03-02, U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Denver, CO.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value LFR
Description Levine Fricke. 1999. Preliminary Draft Summary for Reconnaissance Investigation Results of the Salton Sea Sediment Contaminants, Riverside and Imperial Counties, California. Prepared for U.S. Geological Survey. March 4.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value MOR_04a
Description Moreau, M.F., J. Surico-Bennett, M. Vicario-Fisher, D. Crane, R. Gerads, R.M. Gersberg, and S.H. Hurlbert. 2004a. Contaminants in tilapia (Oreochromis mossambicus) from the Salton Sea, California, in relation to human health, piscivorous birds, and fish meal production. In press submittal to Hydrobiologia for publication in the proceedings for the 8th Salt Lake Conference. Sent from author to Harry Ohlendorf of CH2M HILL on October 20, 2004.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value MOR_04b
Description Moreau, M.F. 2004b. Summary data tables from unpublished study of the Biology Department, Center for Inland Waters, San Diego State University for fish tissue concentrations in Salton Sea. Sent from author to Harry Ohlendorf of CH2M HILL on October 8, 2004.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Description National Irrigation Water Quality Program (NIWQP). Sediment and Biota Data Collected in the Salton Sea Area from 1986-1990 as Reported on Website [http:///] on November 11, 2005.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Description Citizen Congressional Task Force on New River (CCTFONR) 2005. New River Wetland Monitoring Data Summary: 2001 to 2005 provided to Harry Ohlendorf/CH2M HILL on March 10, 2005.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Description Ohlendorf, H.M., and K.C. Marois. 1990. Organochlorines and selenium in California night-heron and egret eggs. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. 15:91-104.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Description Roline, R.A., and S.M. Nelson. 2004. Selenium in Water, Sediments, Plant Material, and Biota from Wetland Ponds Fed by Irrigation Drainage, Imperial Irrigation District, Imperial County, California. U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Ecological Research and Investigations Group. Technical Memorandum 8220-04-03. February.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value SCHRD_93
Description Schroeder, R.A., M. Rivera, B.J. Redfield, J.N. Densmore, R.L. Michel, D.R. Norton, D.J. Audet, J.G. Setmire, and S.L. Goodbred. 1993. Physical, Chemical, and Biological Data for Detailed Study of Irrigation Drainage in the Salton Sea Area, California, 1988-1990. U.S. Geological Survey Open File Report 93-83.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value SCHRD_04
Description Schroeder, R.A. 2004. Chemical Data for Detailed Studies of Irrigation Drainage in the Salton Sea Area, California: 1995-2001. U.S. Geological Survey, Scientific Investigations Report 2004-5036.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value SEIL
Description Seiler, R.L., J.P. Skorupa, and L.A. Peltz. 1999. Areas Susceptible to Irrigation-Induced Selenium Contamination of Water and Biota in the Western United States, U.S. Geological Survey Circular 1180.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value SET_90
Description Setmire, J.G., J.C. Wolfe, and R.K. Stroud. 1990. Reconnaissance Investigation of Water Quality, Bottom Sediment, and Biota Associated with Irrigation Drainage in the Salton Sea Area, California, 1986-87. U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigation 89-4102.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value SET_93
Description Setmire, J.G., R.A. Schroeder, J.N. Densmore, S.L. Goodbred, D.J. Audet, and W. R. Radke. 1993. Detailed Study of Water Quality, Bottom Sediment, and Biota Associated with Irrigation Drainage in the Salton Sea Area, California, 1988-90. U.S. Geological Survey, Water Resources Investigations Report 93-4014.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value SET_90/NIWQP
Description Setmire et al. (1990) data supplemented by information found in NIWQP (2005)
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Description Setmire, J.G., and R.A. Schroeder. 1998. Selenium and Salinity Concerns in the Salton Sea Area of California, pg 205-221, in Frankenberger, W. T. Jr., and R. A. Engberg (Eds.) Environmental Chemistry of Selenium, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value SKRP_98
Description Skorupa, J.P. 1998. Selenium Poisoning of Fish and Wildlife in Nature: Lessons from Twelve Real World Examples, pg 315-354, in Frankenberger, W. T. Jr. and R. A. Engberg (Eds.) Environmental Chemistry of Selenium, Marcel Dekker, Inc. New York. 1998.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value SKRP_03
Description Skorupa, J.P. 2003. Summary of Avian Egg Sampling at New River Wetlands. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. May. Unpublished.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value TSMP
Description Toxic Substances Monitoring Program (TSMP). 2005. Data Collected From 1978 to 2000 as Reported on Website at [].
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value UCRV
Description University of California, Riverside (UC-Riverside). 2003. Unpublished data laboratory analytical results provided by Salton Sea Science office (sample date June 25, 2003).
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Description Roberts, C.A., and K.S. Berg. 2000. Environmental Contaminants in Piscivorous Birds at the Salton Sea, 1992 93. U.S. Department of the Interior, Fish and Wildlife Service. June. and Roberts, C. Hardcopy Data for Semi-Aquatic Bird Tissue Data Collected in the Salton Sea Area from 1992-1996. personal communication with Harry Ohlendorf/CH2M HILL HILL. December 2005.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

Value USGS
Description United States Geological Survey (USGS). 2003. Archived Sediment Sample Data Collected in 2003 and Analyzed in 2005.
Enumerated domain value definition source California Department of Water Resources (DWR). 2005a. Final Report on Selenium in the Salton Sea and Summary of Data Gaps. April.

* Data type String
* Width 100
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Primary source of the data, listed in report reference format.
Description source
See SOURCE CODE for attribute values.

* Alias X_METERS
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Spatial capture information x-coordinate, as calculated from longitude. Populated only if information was available. Datum information may be available in reference reports, but was not recorded as part of database development.

* Alias Y_METERS
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Spatial capture information y-coordinate, as calculated from latitude. Populated only if information was available. Datum information may be available in reference reports, but was not recorded as part of database development.

* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Longitude of sample location. Populated only if information was available. Datum information may be available in reference reports, but was not recorded as part of database development.

* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Latitude of sample location. Populated only if information was available. Datum information may be available in reference reports, but was not recorded as part of database development.

Metadata Details

* Metadata language English(UNITED STATES)
* Metadata character set utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format

Scope of the data described by the metadata dataset
Scope name * dataset

* Last update 2022-03-15

ArcGIS metadata properties
Metadata format ArcGIS1.0
Standard or profile used to edit metadata FGDC

Created in ArcGIS for the item 2022-03-1514:07:17
Last modified in ArcGIS for the item 2022-03-1514:07:10

Automatic updates
Have been performed Yes
Last update 2022-03-1514:07:10

Metadata Contacts

Metadata contact
Individual's name CH2M Hill
Organization's name CH2M Hill
Contact's role resource provider

Metadata contact
Individual's name Summer Bundy
Organization's name CH2M Hill
Contact's position Water Resources Engineer
Contact's role originator

Metadata Maintenance

Update frequency not planned

Metadata Constraints

Limitations of use


Thumbnail and Enclosures