Vegetation - Lower Santa Clara River [ds983]

SDE Feature Class

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environment, vegetation, California, biota


The primary objective of this project is to provide a preliminary vegetation classification and detailed vegetation map for the mainstem Santa Clara River riparian corridor and its three major tributaries within Ventura County. This was undertaken to provide baseline data for Santa Clara River Parkway Floodplain Restoration Feasibility Study; identify invasive vegetation for eradication efforts; Facilitate more effective land use planning; improve local wildlife habitat suitability modeling; and advance regional conservation planning


Although the Santa Clara River riparian corridor is relatively intact, flood protection infrastructure, diversions, roads, agriculture, and urbanization have constrained or disrupted natural geomorphic and hydrologic processes, causing riparian and aquatic habitat degradation. While a number of studies and planning efforts have begun on the river to address these issues (e.g., Trustee Council 2002, AMEC 2005, and the Santa Clara River Parkway project), baseline information on existing riparian community types, their extent, and distribution is not available. Since native riparian vegetation provides critical ecosystem services, such as improved flood control and water quality, improved terrestrial and aquatic habitat quality, and increased local biodiversity, managing for healthy riparian vegetation is a central part of river management and restoration. Developing an accurate, current map of riparian vegetation is a crucial first step in river management and restoration planning This project addresses the need for detailed vegetation information in support of conservation and restoration planning efforts on the lower Santa Clara River within Ventura County. Funding for the project was provided through matching grants by the California State Coastal Conservancy (SCC) and The Santa Clara River Trustee Council (Trustee Council). The complex and dynamic nature of vegetation communities present within the lower Santa Clara River corridor required modifications to traditional approaches for riparian vegetation mapping; thus, this project utilized a combination of field-based vegetation classification and mapping, and traditional photo-interpretive techniques. One-foot, digital Orthoimagery flown in September 2005 was used as the imagery base. The vegetation classification followed the State of California standard vegetation classification system developed under the auspices of the Vegetation Program of the California Native Plant Society and described in the first edition of A Manual of California Vegetation (Sawyer and Keeler-Wolf 1995), with minor adjustments to match changes being incorporated into the second edition of the Manual, which is currently in preparation (T. Keeler-Wolf, pers. comm., 2005 and 2007).


Use limitations


West -119.268556 East -118.690176
North 34.462219 South 34.207241

Scale Range
Maximum (zoomed in) 1:5,000
Minimum (zoomed out) 1:150,000,000

ArcGIS Metadata

Topics and Keywords

Themes or categories of the resource biota, environment

* Content type Downloadable Data

Place keywords California

Theme keywords environment, biota

Title ISO 19115 Topic Category

Theme keywords vegetation


Title Vegetation - Lower Santa Clara River [ds983]

Presentation formats * digital map

Other citation details
Prepared by Stillwater Sciences and URS Corporation for the California State Coastal Conservancy and the Santa Clara River Trustee Council, Berkeley, California.

Citation Contacts

Responsible party
Organization's name Stillwater Sciences
Contact's role originator

Responsible party
Organization's name URS Corporation
Contact's role originator

Responsible party
Individual's name Zooey Diggory
Organization's name Stillwater Sciences
Contact's role point of contact

Contact information

Resource Details

Dataset languages English(UNITED STATES)

Status completed
Spatial representation type * vector

Supplemental information
* Processing environment Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS

ArcGIS item properties
* Name Vegetation - Lower Santa Clara River [ds983]
* Location Server=; :; Database=; User=; Version=
* Access protocol ArcSDE Connection


ground condition
Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
Extent type Extent used for searching
* West longitude -119.268556
* East longitude -118.690176
* North latitude 34.462219
* South latitude 34.207241
* Extent contains the resource Yes

Extent in the item's coordinate system
* West longitude -13276914.943900
* East longitude -13212529.920200
* South latitude 4056663.543900
* North latitude 4091036.883400
* Extent contains the resource Yes

Resource Maintenance

Resource maintenance
Update frequency not planned

Spatial Reference

ArcGIS coordinate system
* Type Projected
* Geographic coordinate reference GCS_WGS_1984
* Projection WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere
* Coordinate reference details
Projected coordinate system
Well-known identifier 102100
X origin -20037700
Y origin -30241100
XY scale 10000
Z origin 0
Z scale 1
M origin 0
M scale 1
XY tolerance 0.001
Z tolerance 2
M tolerance 2
High precision true
Latest well-known identifier 3857
Well-known text PROJCS["WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere",GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",0.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",0.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",0.0],PARAMETER["Auxiliary_Sphere_Type",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0],AUTHORITY["EPSG",3857]]

Reference system identifier
* Value 3857
* Codespace EPSG
* Version 8.8(

Spatial Data Properties

* Level of topology for this dataset geometry only

Geometric objects
Feature class name DS0983_20140128
* Object type composite
* Object count 1546

ArcGIS Feature Class Properties
Feature class name DS0983_20140128
* Feature type Simple
* Geometry type Polygon
* Has topology FALSE
* Feature count 1546
* Spatial index TRUE
* Linear referencing FALSE

Data Quality

Scope of quality information
Resource level dataset

Data quality report - Quantitative attribute accuracy
Measure description
Although no formal accuracy assessment was performed, a streamlined data form, modified from the CNPS vegetation reconnaissance field data form (versus the modified CNPS rapid assessment protocol used for the 50 sites described above) was used to document dominant and characteristic plant species at approximately 650 stands (polygons) during the remainder of the four-week main field survey effort in summer 2005, and additional surveys in fall 2005 and summer 2006. This CNPS reconnaissance data form is typically used for ground-truthing or accuracy assessment of polygon classification based on photo interpretation. This effort provided more accurate vegetation data than could be obtained through photo-interpretation, reduced the amount of area that had to be mapped using photo-interpretation (see Section 2.4), and supported further refinement of the classification system. In summary, field data on percent cover of dominant and characteristic species were collected for nearly 700 stands of vegetation during 2005 and 2006


Source data
Digital Orthoimagery flown in September 2005 was used as the imagery base.

Resolution of the source data
Scale denominator 0

Extent of the source data
ground condition


Distribution format
* Name SDE Feature Class

Transfer options
Online source
Function performed information


Details for object DS0983_20140128
* Type Feature Class
* Row count 1546
Vegetation - Lower Santa Clara River [ds983]

* Data type OID
* Width 4
* Precision 10
* Scale 0
* Field description
Internal feature number.
* Description source
* Description of values
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Shape
* Alias Shape
* Data type Geometry
* Width 4
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
* Field description
Feature geometry.
* Description source
* Description of values
Coordinates defining the features.

* Data type String
* Width 255
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The standardized name of the vegetation description used in the National Vegetation Classification System (see . Since the NVCS does not have categories for human land use or otherwise unvegetated land, those descriptions were drawn from the California Wildlife Habitat Relationship.
Description source

* Data type String
* Width 35
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The standardized level of the vegetation description used in the National Vegetation Classification System (see .
Description source

* Data type String
* Width 255
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The finest level of vegetation type mapped (alliance, association, group or macrogroup); or land use for polygons that are not natural vegetation, per the mapping classification.

* Data type String
* Width 46
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Contents of this field vary. For associations, the alliance which contains them. For types mapped above the alliance, a grouping name was used.
Description source
Stillwater Science

Field Arundo_Cov
* Alias Arundo_Cov
* Data type SmallInteger
* Width 2
* Precision 5
* Scale 0
Field description
Percent Arundo donax cover for the mapping unit.
Description source

Field Tamarix
* Alias Tamarix
* Data type String
* Width 10
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Whether or not there is Tamarix in the polygon. (Yes or No)

Field MUSource
* Alias MUSource
* Data type String
* Width 50
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The source from which the mapping unit delineation and classification call were derived: field data indicates the mapping unit was derived from the field-based mapping efforts, PhotoInterp indicates a photo-interpretation based delineation and classification call. Mapping units with an MUSource of ESA 2003 were modified from mapping conducted by ESA (2003) in McGrath State Park and mapping units with an MUSource of URS Corporation 2002 were derived from mapping efforts at Hedrick Ranch conducted by URS Corporation (2002).
Description source

Field PolyNumber
* Alias PolyNumber
* Data type Integer
* Width 4
* Precision 10
* Scale 0
Field description
The polygon number, used to link field-based mapping units with the associated reconnaissance field form.
Description source

Field UID
* Alias UID
* Data type String
* Width 10
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Unique identifier for each polygon.
Description source
CA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, VEGCAMP

* Data type String
* Width 75
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
A crosswalk to the CalVeg vegetation system. Note that there may be a one-to-many relationship between CalVeg and NVCS.
Description source

* Data type String
* Width 10
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
A crosswalk to the CalVeg vegetation system. Note that there may be a one-to-many relationship between CalVeg and NVCS.
Description source

* Data type String
* Width 50
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
A crosswalk to the California Wildlife Habitat Relationships system. Note that there is usually a one-to-many relationship between CWHR and NVCS
Description source

* Data type String
* Width 10
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
A crosswalk to the California Wildlife Habitat Relationships system. Note that there is usually a one-to-many relationship between CWHR and NVCS
Description source

* Data type String
* Width 5
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The global rarity rank of the plant community mapped (only for alliances).
Description source

* Data type String
* Width 5
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The state rarity rank of the plant community mapped (only for alliances).
Description source

Field RARE
* Alias RARE
* Data type String
* Width 3
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Rarity of the vegetation type. Alliances and associations with state ranks of S1-S3 are considered rare.
Description source
CA Dept of Fish and Wildlife, VEGCAMP
List of values
Value Y
Description Rare

Value N
Description Not Rare

Value U
Description Unknown

* Alias CACODE
* Data type String
* Width 10
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
California Natural Community Codes - unique code assigned to alliances and associations.
Description source
CA Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, VEGCAMP

* Data type String
* Width 100
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The standardized name for the alliance within the Nation.
Description source

* Data type String
* Width 100
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The standardized name for the group within the National Vegetation Classification System.
Description source

* Alias NVCSMG
* Data type String
* Width 255
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The standardized name for the macrogroup within the National Vegetation Classification System.
Description source

Field Acres
* Alias Acres
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 38
* Scale 8
Field description
The area of the polygons in acres.

Field Shape.STArea()
* Alias Shape.STArea()
* Data type Double
* Width 0
* Precision 0
* Scale 0

Field Shape.STLength()
* Alias Shape.STLength()
* Data type Double
* Width 0
* Precision 0
* Scale 0

Overview Description
Entity and Attribute Overview
Note: certain fields have been added by the Department of Fish and Game's Vegetation Classification and Mapping Program. These include crosswalks to the Wildlife Habitat Relationships and CalVeg classification systems, Global and State Ranks, CaCode and the fields relating the mapping units to the National Vegetation Classification System as it is described for California in the 2nd edition of the Manual of California Vegetation.

Metadata Details

Metadata language English(UNITED STATES)
Metadata character set utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format

Scope of the data described by the metadata dataset
Scope name * dataset

* Last update 2017-11-02

ArcGIS metadata properties
Metadata format ArcGIS1.0
Metadata style FGDC CSDGM Metadata
Standard or profile used to edit metadata FGDC

Created in ArcGIS for the item 2014-03-0622:27:16
Last modified in ArcGIS for the item 2017-11-0212:44:16

Automatic updates
Have been performed Yes
Last update 2017-11-0212:44:07

Metadata Contacts

Metadata contact
Individual's name Rosie Yacoub
Organization's name California Department of Fish and Wildlife
Contact's position GIS Specialist
Contact's role point of contact

Contact information

Thumbnail and Enclosures

Enclosure type File
Description of enclosure original metadata
Original metadata document, which was translated yes
Source metadata format fgdc