Vegetation - Pinnacles National Monument [ds947]

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biota, San Benito County, United States, Monterey County, Vegetation, Vegetation Mapping, Pinnacles National Monument, location, California, Vegetation Map


The purpose of this project was to describe and map existing vegetation on 18,210 hectares (44,997 acres), within PINN and its environs, and to provide this information in written, tabular, digital and spatial formats useful to Monument resource managers, the California Native Plant Society, Department of Fish and Game and others. The basic project components consist of a classification and description of the Monument's vegetation and a spatial database encompassing an interpretation of the vegetation from aerial imagery.


Between 2003 - 2008, the vegetation within a study area of 18,210 hectares (44,997 acres) that encompasses the Pinnacles National Monument (PINN), a quarter-mile buffer and several additional parcels of interest adjacent to the Park was mapped. The map was produced from photo interpretation of 2003 and 2005 natural color and 2002 color infrared digital 1 meter NAIP imagery orthophotos. In 2003 and 2004 Park staff collected vegetation and environmental data from 591 relevs to support the map and classification. Assessment of map accuracy entailed sampling of 766 additional data points in 2008. Multivariate analysis of the 2003-2004 plot data revealed 67 National Vegetation Classification (NVC) plant associations, alliances or Park special vegetation types within the Monument and environs. Of these, 45 are described at the plant association level; seven others are described at the alliance level. The remaining 22 are described as 'Park specials' because they occur only in small stands and appear to be unique to the Monument. The vegetation of the mapping project area is relatively diverse, including 50 NVC alliances. Chaparral, oak woodlands and dry herbaceous areas dominate the vegetation, accounting for ~35 associations. A total of 6,141 map polygons representing 34 vegetation map classes (including tree and shrub cover attributes), fourteen land use map classes and 7 miscellaneous classes were developed for the PINN vegetation mapping project. Of the 6,141 mapped polygons, 115 were assigned both a land use class and a vegetation class. The average polygon size across all map classes is 3 ha (7.3 acres). Natural and semi-natural vegetation classes cover 17,953 ha (44,362 acres), or 98.6% of the project area. Land use polygons, including ranch developments, agriculture and Park facilities cover 250 ha (617 acres), or 1.4 % of the project area. Final overall map Producer accuracy is 84.4% (Kappa correction = 83.1%). Final overall map User accuracy is 78.0% (Kappa correction = 75.6%).


Vegetation classification development was conducted by PINN, NatureServe, and the California Native Plant Society. The vegetation mapping was conducted by Aerial Information Systems. Acknowledgements This project was completed through the effort and dedication of numerous individuals and organizations. Details of the role of each person mentioned here is described in more detail in the Project Overview section. Sharon Franklet, Denise Louie, Paul Johnson and Brent Johnson (Pinnacles National Monument), Julie Evens and Jennifer Buck (California Native Plant Society), Gwen Kittel and Marion Reid (NatureServe), and Debbie Johnson, Ben Johnson, Ed Reyes and Arin Glass (Aerial Information Systems). Funding for this project was provided through the USGS-NPS National Vegetation Mapping Program and administered to the Park by the kind help of the San Francisco Bay Area Inventory and Monitoring Network. Numerous individuals collected plot and accuracy assessment field data. We appreciate the hard work of Melinda Elster, Andra Forney and Betsy Harbert with oversight by Jennifer Buck, Eric Peterson, Donna Shorrock, and Kendra Sikes (CNPS). The 2003 and 2004 Park crews were Sherry Bottoms, Katie deLaveaga, Shauna Hee, Michelle Karle, Kipp Marzullo, Keir Morse, Kendra Moseley (NPS) and others not listed here. Gwen Kittel of NatureServe conducted quantitative analyses and prepared the preliminary vegetation classification; analysis results were reviewed and final association names assigned by Julie Evens (CNPS) and Gwen Kittel (NatureServe). The California Native Plant Society staff, including Ed Kentner, created the local association descriptions. Ed Reyes and Arin Glass (AIS) conducted the photo interpretation and Debbie Johnson, Ed Reyes, Mike Nelson and Ben Johnson conducted the accuracy assessment. Jennifer Buck (CNPS) assisted with accuracy assessment analysis. All parties contributed to the final report. Ben Johnson of AIS also created most of the report figures. Thanks also to John Menke (AIS) and Todd Keeler-Wolf (California Department of Fish and Game) for their guidance during the initial meeting and field reconnaissance. Special thanks to Sharon Franklet, Jason Herynk, Denise Louise, Brent Johnson, Valerie Nuttman, Paul Johnson, Eric Brunnermann, Darrell Chambers, Leticia Ruiz, Lisa Smith, and the Condor Program Team of Pinnacles National Monument, who made us welcome whenever we arrived to check the map or collect field data, and provided helpful advice, keys, access and field assistance to help us best access different parts of the Monument. For these and other contributors to the success of the project, we are grateful.

Use limitations

Please acknowledge the originators in products derived from these data. Any person using the information presented here should fully understand the data collection and compilation before beginning analysis. The burden for determining fitness for use lies entirely with the user.


West -121.310693 East -121.098417
North 36.567652 South 36.385906

Scale Range

ArcGIS Metadata

Topics and Keywords

Themes or categories of the resource location, biota

* Content type Downloadable Data

Place keywords San Benito County, United States, Monterey County, Pinnacles National Monument, California

Theme keywords Vegetation, Vegetation Mapping, Vegetation Map

Theme keywords biota, location

Title ISO 19115 Topic Category


* Title DS0947_20131125
Publication date 2009-01-01

Presentation formats * digital map
FGDC geospatial presentation format map: vector digital data

Citation Contacts

Responsible party
Organization's name Aerial Information Systems, PINN, NatureServe, California Native Plant Society
Contact's role originator

Responsible party
Organization's name USGS/CSS/Core Science Analytics and Synthesis
Contact's role originator

Resource Details

Dataset languages English(UNITED STATES)

Status completed
Spatial representation type vector

Supplemental information
Introduction: AIS was contracted by NPS to photo interpret and map a vegetation database for Pinnacles National Monument (PINN) using the National Vegetation Classification System (NVCS). The mapping project was initiated in 2007 and was completed in 2009. For the complete description of the project please refer to the Vegetation Classification and Mapping Project Report, Pinnacles National Monument (Kittel, et. al., 2009). The study area for the project covers 44,997 acres and consists of two tiers. The first tier (park and buffer area) includes lands within the park boundary as well as a quarter-mile buffer around the park. The second tier (extended study area) includes several areas of interest, of varying sizes, adjacent to the park and buffer. The base imagery for the mapping was the 2005 NAIP natural color (leaf-on) digital orthophotos, with supplementary 2003 natural color digital orthophotos (leaf-on) and 2002 color infrared digital orthophotos (leaf-on). The Original mapping was done using an on-screen photo interpretation and digitizing method. Field reconnaissance was conducted before the mapping, and an in-field map and vegetion key validation was conducted, with resulting field revisions incorporated. The original mapping classification contained mainly alliance and association level classes, as well as group and macrogroup categories such as xeric chaparral, mesic chaparral, riparian trees, riparian shrubs, wet herbaceous, and dry herbaceous. There were also mapping unit classes such as rock outcrop, post burn chaparral, built-up, agriculture, and planted trees and shrubs. Land use was a second layer in the database, which included park facilities. Refer to Vegetation Classification and Mapping Project Report, Pinnacles National Monument, (Kittel, et. al.,2009) for the full original mapping classification. The complete report for this dataset is avaliable here: . The three deliverable databases to the Park are described below: " Original Database - This is the pre-AA vegetation map database that was delivered in February 2008, as an interim product. This database has no modifications as a result of AA. The original database may have some useful information that the other databases will not have. It is recommended to archive the original database, but it is available when needed. There is no documentation to accompany the original database. " Post AA Database - This database represents the modifications to the vegetation database as a result of AA. Changes are in the form of global recoding reflecting bumping up to higher hierarchical categories for most types that were <80% producer accuracy. The purpose is to have a database with as many types >80% producer accuracy as possible. Some types with accuracy 70-80% were left in as agreed to by the Park. This is the peer reviewed official database. The documentation in Vegetation Classification and Mapping Project Report, Pinnacles National Monument (Kittel, et. al., 2009) is for the Post AA Database, delivered in July 2009. Note that AA only applied to land within the park boundary and quarter mile buffer. " Post AA Park-Specific Database - This can be considered a final working vegetation database in which polygons for selected types that are <80% producer accuracy have been revisited and reviewed for linework and/or coding in order to improve the interpretations of the type based on information gained from the AA process. In order to assess the accuracy of this database a new AA effort would need to be conducted. In theory accuracy is improved, though not assessed, by applying information learned through the AA process. This document is provided to accompany the Post AA Park-Specific database. Descriptions have been modified in some cases to better reflect the mapping as a result of accuracy assessment information. Types above 60% were kept. If the total polygon count for a type was <30 then all polygons were revisited and recoded as needed. If the polygon count was >30 then a limited criteria such as low conifer density or low tree density were used for revisiting and recoding. In other cases a description modification was necessary. Refer to the Classification Modification Summary for the Post AA Park-Specific Vegetation Database (below) for a list of the changes made for each type. Vegetation Classification vs. Mapping Classification: It is important for the user to understand the difference between the vegetation classification and the mapping classification. Vegetation classification is based on analylsis of detailed field information from Releve and Rapid Assessment Plots (RA) that describe types based not only on the overstory, but on understory and vegetation species composition and cover, as well as environmental factors. The sampling effort is constrained by accessibility, logistics, and budget. Types may be missed, over sampled, undersampled, or auto correlated. Many of the components describing the vegetation type are not visible from above and therefore cannot be ascertained through photo interpretation or remote sensing techniques. The mapping classification, although attempting to mimic the vegetation classification, can only take into account visible parameters. Visible factors include overstory vegetation, understory vegetation where the overstory is open to sparse allowing a visible understory, environmental setting (aspect, elevation, slope shape, slope position, slope steepness, local geomorphology, moisture, and proximity to water). Some vegetation classes are not mappable due to consistently small size less than the minimum mapping unit, and some due to limitations in the imagery. In mapping the mapper has to put a boundary around each vegetation stand and classify each stand as a type based on the definitions and descriptions from the vegetation classification. In the process, the mapper may encounter gaps in the vegetation classification, or wide variations in the expression of a type, and gradations or transitions of one type to another. Therefore, the mapping classification description describes the vegetation or mapping classes from a photo interpretation and mapping perspective. Mapping classes that do not correlate directly to the macrogroup, group, alliance, or association of the vegetation classification are called suballiance or superalliance "Mapping Units". The mapping unit is a mapping class that is a mappable type as viewed on the imagery that maintains consistent floristic and/or ecological relationships. If not for the mapping unit, the type would be backed off to an alliance, group, or even macrogroup level. Chronology: The following section is a short outline, listed in chronological order, of the vegetation mapping effort at Pinnacles National Monument (PINN). 2003 -- 256 relev plots were collected within the Monument following California Native Plant Society protocols 2004 -- an additional 335 relevs were collected on portions of the 2,000 acres of land that previously comprised the Kingman Ranch and is now held by The Nature Conservancy for NPS purchase. Additional relev data were collected to capture vegetation types not sampled in 2003. University of Montana conducted mapping with Landsat imagery. 2005 -- University of Montana, Wildlife Spatial Analysis Lab completed a vegetation map with 11 classes 2006 -- Park acquires more funding to complete vegetation association classification and a more detailed map. California Native Plant Society (CNPS) and NatureServe are contracted to conduct vegetation classification and plant association descriptions. AIS is contracted to produce a more detailed map of the current vegetation. Fall 2006, winter 2007 Vegetation analysis and classification gets under way. 2007 March-- Initial Meeting and Park Tour, Preliminary photo interpretation mapping classification compiled. May-- First photo interpretation field reconnaissance June-- Second photo interpretation field reconnaissance August-- Begin photo interpretation, mapping and quality control of vegetation delineations and attribution. October-- First field verification November --Second field verification. Field meeting with CNPS and NatureServe, key to association's field tested. 2008 January-June Final mapping classification for photo interpretation. Completion of photo interpretation, mapping and quality control of vegetation delineations and attribution. July -September Field crew training by CNPS, NatureServe and AIS, and field work conducted to collect AA points. September -December AA data entered into database. 2009 January-February AA data analyzed, map validation, AA statistics generated and final map production. March-June-- Final report production and map printing Post AA Park-Specific Database Mapping Descriptions: The mapping descriptions characterize the mapping classes used in the Pinnacles National Monument vegetation map that was compiled in 2007-08. The descriptions are based on field reconnaissance, releve field samples, and 2005 NAIP natural color imagery. Other supplemental imagery may be applicable where noted. Each mapped class is presented with the following format: " The top of each page lists the Map Code with the Common Name of the map class, followed by the Scientific Name of the map class. " Any vegetation classification associations that nest hierarchically into the map class are listed next. " A snapshot of the vegetation map showing an example mapped polygon of the map class draped over the NAIP aerial imagery. " A map showing the distribution of the map class in the original database over the study area. The inner boundary shown is the park boundary. " A brief description of the map class describing general structure, cover, species, and ecology. Also noted is whether the map class is mapped within the park and buffer, expanded study area, or both. " A brief description of the photo signature for the map class. " A list of other map classes which are similar in signature to the map class being described. Dominance and percent cover terms used in these descriptions are represented as follows (values are approximate): Overall Structural Density: >60% Dense or continuous 40-60% Intermittent or slightly open 25-40% Open 10-25% Sparse <10% Very sparse <5% Very Low, or can be present Individual Species: >60% Extremely High 40-60% Very High 25-40% High 10-25% Moderate 5-10% Low, for trees this can be emergent 1210 - Foothill Pine Woodland Alliance (Included in the Original, Post AA, and Post AA Park-Specific databases) Pinus sabiniana Woodland Alliance Pinus sabiniana/Ceanothus cuneatus-Rhamnus ilicifolia Woodland Association Pinus sabiniana/Eriogonum fasciculatum Woodland Association Aerial Photo Mapped Unit Distribution A Description: The Pinus sabiniana Woodland Alliance is mapped as intermittent to sparse stands of trees over an understory of intermittent to sparse chaparral, coastal sage scrub, grass, and/or rock. Pinus sabiniana is the dominant tree at high to low cover. This alliance can be found on floodplain terraces, canyon bottoms, and lower to upper side slopes. It can occupy northerly or southerly exposures. Quercus douglasii or Quercus agrifolia may be present at low to very low cover. Juniperus californica may be present at very low cover. Typical chaparral shrubs may include Ceanothus cuneatus, Adenostoma fasciculatum, Cercocarpus betuloides, and Rhamnus ilicifolia. In alluvial floodplains and terraces typical short shrubs may include Eriogonum fasciculatum, Lupinus albifrons, Lotus scoparius, and Eriodictyon tomentosum. Riparian shrubs including Salix lasiolepis, Salix exigua, and Baccharis salicifolia may be present at very low to moderate cover, usually as narrow channel inclusions. On steep rocky upper slopes sparse Pinus sabiniana may contain an understory of open to sparse chaparral and/or Eriogonum fasciculatum. Here Selaginella bigelovii may also be present at very low to high cover. This alliance is mapped within the park, buffer, and expanded study area. The alliance also represents the hierarchical class into which all Pinus sabiniana types are nested. Photo Signature: Pinus sabiniana appears on the imagery as rounded- to irregularly-crowned trees emergent over other shorter trees, chaparral, and grass. It has a light blue-green color with a soft to wispy texture. The chaparral is shorter with a rounded to irregular crown. Some shrubs appear as individuals, others as clusters with no distinctive crown. The chaparral can have a dull green, brownish-green, bluish-green, grayish-green, or brown color. Eriogonum fasciculatum is a low shrub with a gray, tan, or brown to rust color. It appears as small rounded individuals or in small clusters. Types with Similar Signature: Quercus agrifolia Woodland Alliance - 2110 Quercus douglasii Woodland Alliance - 2210 Californian Chaparral Shrubland Macrogroup - 3100 Adenostoma fasciculatum Shrubland Alliance - 3110 California Coastal Scrub Shrubland Macrogroup - 3300 (original 3301) Eriogonum fasciculatum Shrubland Alliance - 3330 Open to Sparse Grass on Rocky Thin Substrate Herbaceous Vegetation Mapping Unit - 4003 Alluvial Herb and Shrub Vegetation Mapping Unit - 4004 (original 4404) Cliffs, Rock Outcrops, and Steep Eroded Slopes Mapping Unit - 9420 1211 - Foothill Pine/Chaparral Woodland Mapping Unit (Included in the Original, and Post AA Park-Specific databases) Pinus sabiniana/Chaparral Woodland Mapping Unit Pinus sabiniana/Ceanothus cuneatus-Rhamnus ilicifolia Woodland Association Aerial Photo Mapped Unit Distribution A Description: The Pinus sabiniana/Chaparral Woodland Mapping Unit is mapped as intermittent to sparse stands of trees over an understory of intermittent to sparse chaparral. Pinus sabiniana is the strongly dominant tree at high to low cover. Juniperus californica, Quercus douglasii, or Quercus agrifolia may be present at low to very low cover. Chaparral shrubs may include Ceanothus cuneatus, Adenostoma fasciculatum, Cercocarpus betuloides, and Rhamnus ilicifolia. This mapping unit favors northerly slopes, and is occasionally found on lower southerly slopes and canyon bottoms. This type is mapped within the park and buffer. In the expanded study area it is mapped as Pinus sabiniana Woodland Alliance (1210). Photo Signature: Pinus sabiniana appears on the imagery as rounded- to irregularly-crowned trees emergent over other shorter trees, chaparral, and grass. It has a light blue-green to blue-gray color with a soft to wispy texture. The chaparral is shorter with a rounded to irregular crown. Some shrubs appear as individuals, others as clusters with no distinctive crown. The chaparral can have a dull green, brownish-green, bluish-green, grayish-green, or brown color. Types with Similar Signature: Quercus douglasii Woodland Alliance - 2210 Quercus douglasii-Pinus sabiniana Woodland Mapping Unit - 2217 Californian Chaparral Shrubland Macrogroup - 3100 Adenostoma fasciculatum Shrubland Alliance - 3110 1212 - Foothill Pine/California Wild Buckwheat Alluvial Woodland Mapping Unit (Included in the Original and Post AA Park-Specific databases) Pinus sabiniana/Eriogonum fasciculatum Alluvial Woodland Mapping Unit Aerial Photo Mapped Unit Distribution A Description: The Pinus sabiniana/Eriogonum fasciculatum Alluvial Woodland Mapping Unit is mapped as open to sparse stands of trees over an understory of herbs and intermittent to sparse low shrubs. Pinus sabiniana is the dominant tree at moderate to low cover. Eriogonum fasciculatum is present at high to very low cover. Other low alluvial shrubs, including Lupinus albifrons, Lotus scoparius, and Eriodictyon tomentosum, may be present at very low cover. Quercus douglasii, Quercus agrifolia, Salix laevigata, Populus fremontii or Platanus racemosa may be present at very low cover. Riparian shrubs including Salix lasiolepis, Salix exigua, and Baccharis salicifolia may be present at very low to moderate cover, usually as narrow channel inclusions. Chaparral shrubs may also be present at very low cover. This association favors flat alluvial floodplain terraces and gently sloping lower alluvial fans or toe slopes adjacent to floodplains and valley or canyon bottoms. This type is mapped within the park and buffer. In the expanded study area it is mapped as Pinus sabiniana Woodland Alliance (1210). Photosignature: Pinus sabiniana appears on the imagery as rounded- to irregularly-crowned trees emergent over the shorter trees, low shrubs, and herbs. It has a light blue-green to blue-gray color with a soft to wispy texture. Eriogonum fasciculatum is a low shrub with a gray, tan, or brown to rust color. It appears as small rounded individuals. Types with Similar Signature: Pinus sabiniana/Eriogonum fasciculatum Thin Substrate Woodland Mapping Unit - 1213 Quercus agrifolia Woodland Alliance - 2110 Quercus douglasii Woodland Alliance - 2210 Quercus douglasii/Coastal Sage Scrub Woodland Mapping Unit - 2218 Eriogonum fasciculatum Alluvial Shrubland Mapping Unit - 3331 Eriogonum fasciculatum Thin Substrate Shrubland Mapping Unit - 3332 Alluvial Herb and Shrub Vegetation Mapping Unit - 4004 (original 4404) 1213 - Foothill Pine/California Wild Buckwheat Thin Substrate Woodland Mapping Unit (Included in the Original and Post AA Park-Specific databases) Pinus sabiniana/Eriogonum fasciculatum Thin Substrate Woodland Mapping Unit Aerial Photo Mapped Unit Distribution A Description: The Pinus sabiniana/Eriogonum fasciculatum Thin Substrate Woodland Mapping Unit is mapped as open to sparse stands of trees over an understory of open to sparse low shrubs, grass, and rock. Pinus sabiniana is the dominant tree at moderate to low cover. Eriogonum fasciculatum is present at moderate to very low cover. Juniperus californica or Quercus douglasii may be present at very low cover. Chaparral shrubs may also be present at very low cover. This mapping unit favors steep, southerly, lower to upper slopes, with convex to neutral shapes and thin to rocky soils. Due to the thin substrate and rocky nature of the environment, Selaginella bigelovii may be present at low to high cover. This type is mapped within the park and buffer. In the expanded study area it is mapped as Pinus sabiniana Woodland Alliance (1210). Photo Signature: Pinus sabiniana appears on the NAIP imagery as rounded- to irregularly-crowned trees emergent over the shorter trees, low shrubs, and grass. It has a light blue-green to blue-gray color with a soft to wispy texture. Eriogonum fasciculatum is a low shrub with a gray, tan, or brown to rust color. It appears as small rounded individuals or in small clusters. Types with Similar Signature: Pinus sabiniana/Eriogonum fasciculatum Alluvial Woodland Mapping Unit - 1212 California Coastal Scrub Shrubland Macrogroup - 3300 (original 3301) Eriogonum fasciculatum Shrubland Alliance - 3330 Eriogonum fasciculatum Alluvial Shrubland Mapping Unit - 3331 Eriogonum fasciculatum Thin Substrate Shrubland Mapping Unit - 3332 Open to Sparse Grass-Herb on Thin Substrate Herbaceous Vegetation Mapping Unit - 4003 Cliffs, Rock Outcrops, and Steep Eroded Slopes Mapping Unit - 9420 1220 - California Juniper Woodland Alliance (Included in the Original, Post AA, and Post AA Park-Specific databases) Juniperus californica Woodland Alliance Juniperus californica/Prunus ilicifolia/Moss Woodland Mapping Unit Aerial Photo Mapped Unit Distribution A Description: The Juniperus californica Woodland Alliance is mapped as intermittent to sparse stands of trees over an understory of open to sparse chaparral shrubs or grass. Juniperus californica is the dominant tree at moderate to low cover. Pinus sabiniana may be present at low to very low cover. Prunus ilicifolia is present at moderate to very low cover. Other chaparral shrubs, including Cercocarpus montanus, Ceanothus cuneatus and Diplacus aurantiacus, may be present at very low cover. This alliance favors northerly, gentle to moderately steep lower to upper slopes. Due to the difficulty in photo interpretation of this type, field visits and releve sites are used to identify known locations of this alliance. It is mapped within the park, buffer, and expanded study area. The alliance also represents the hierarchical class into which Juniperus californica types are nested. Photo Signature: Juniperus californica appears on the imagery as a dull medium green to yellow-green color with a rounded crown. Its signature is very similar to Quercus douglasii, which has a blue cast to its color. Juniperus californica, however, will have a green cast to it. Prunus ilicifolia appears as a bright medium green color with individual rounded to irregular crowns. Prunus ilicifolia has a very bright red color on the supplementary CIR imagery, which aids in its identification. Types with Similar Signature: Quercus douglasii Woodland Alliance - 2210 Quercus douglasii/Mixed Herbaceous Woodland Association - 2212 1221 - California Juniper/Hollyleaf Cherry/Moss Woodland Association (Included in the Original database) Juniperus californica/Prunus ilicifolia/Moss Woodland Association Aerial Photo Mapped Unit Distribution A Description: The Juniperus californica/Prunus ilicifolia/Moss Woodland Association is mapped as intermittent to sparse stands of trees over an understory of open to sparse chaparral shrubs or grass. Juniperus californica is the dominant tree at moderate to low cover. Pinus sabiniana may be present at low to very low cover. Prunus ilicifolia is present at moderate to very low cover. Other chaparral shrubs, including Cercocarpus montanus, Ceanothus cuneatus and Diplacus aurantiacus may be present at very low cover. This association favors northerly, gentle to moderately steep lower to upper slopes. Due to the difficulty in photo interpretation of this type, field visits and releve sites are used to identify known locations of this alliance. This type is mapped within the park and buffer. In the expanded study area it is mapped as Juniperus californica Woodland Alliance (1220). Photo Signature: Juniperus californica appears on the imagery as a dull medium green color with a rounded crown. It appears very similar to the signature of Quercus douglasii, which has a bluish cast to its color. Juniperus californica, however, will have a green to yellow-green cast to it. Prunus ilicifolia appears as a bright medium green color with individual rounded to irregular crowns. Prunus ilicifolia has a very bright red color on the supplementary CIR imagery, which aids in its identification. Types with Similar Signature: Quercus douglasii/Chaparral/Grass Woodland Mapping Unit - 2211 Quercus douglasii/Mixed Herbaceous Woodland Association - 2212 Quercus douglasii-Juniperus californica Woodland Association - 2213 Quercus douglasii-Pinus sabiniana Woodland Mapping Unit - 2217 Prunus ilicifolia Shrubland Alliance - 3150 1300/1301- Southwestern North American Riparian Evergreen and Deciduous Forest Group (Included in the Original (1301), Post AA (1300), and Park-Specific (1300) databases) Salix laevigata Temporarily Flooded Woodland Alliance Salix laevigata/Artemisia douglasiana-Rubus ursinus Woodland Association Populus fremontii Temporarily Flooded Woodland Alliance Populus fremontii-Salix laevigata Woodland Association Populus fremontii/Baccharis salicifolia Woodland Associaton Platanus racemosa Temporarily Flooded Woodland Alliance Platanus racemosa-Quercus agrifolia Woodland Association Aerial Photo Mapped Unit Distribution A Description: The Southwestern North American Riparian Evergreen And Deciduous Forest Group is mapped as dense to sparse stands of riparian trees over intermittent to sparse shrubs and herbs. Trees are typically dominated by Salix laevigata, Populus fremontii, and/or Platanus racemosa at high to low cover. Quercus agrifolia, and Quercus lobata, may be present at moderate to very low cover. Pinus sabiniana may be present at low to very low cover. Riparian or mesic shrubs, including Salix lasiolepis, Baccharis salicifolia, Baccharis pilularis, Toxicodendron diversilobum, and Rosa californica may be present, each at high to very low cover. This type favors riparian corridors along perennial streams on major flat floodplains. The trees usually occupy the stream channel edge or are within the active floodplain. Platanus racemosa is common in the Bear Gulch and South Wilderness Chalone Creek areas. Populus fremontii is common in Bear Valley and in the South Wilderness Chalone Creek areas. Quercus lobata is common in the Bear Valley area. This class is mapped within the park, buffer, and expanded study area. Photo Signature: The trees are usually clustered together with no clear indication of individuals. Salix laevigata and Populus fremontii both appear as dull green with a large, irregularly shaped, dense crown. Due to the similarity of signature, they are very difficult to discern from each other. Platanus racemosa also has a similar signature as Salix laevigata and Populus fremontii. However, Platanus racemosa is usually taller than the other trees in the canopy. It also has a more open crown and occurs as individuals. Quercus agrifolia is more discernible on the imagery. It is dark green in color with a coarse texture, and a rounded billowy crown. Individuals can be seen among the other riparian trees. Quercus lobata is dull to dark green with a large rounded crown containing many small openings. Types with Similar Signature: Platanus racemosa Temporarily Flooded Woodland Alliance - 1310 Platanus racemosa-Quercus agrifolia Woodland Association - 1311 Quercus agrifolia Woodland Alliance - 2110 Southwestern North American Riparian/Wash Scrub Shrubland Group - 3400 (original 3401) 1310 - California Sycamore Temporarily Flooded Woodland Alliance (Included in the Original, Post AA, and Park-Specific databases) Platanus racemosa Temporarily Flooded Woodland Alliance Platanus racemosa Temporarily Flooded Woodland Association Platanus racemosa-Quercus agrifolia Woodland Association Aerial Photo Mapped Unit Distribution A Description: The Platanus racemosa Temporarily Flooded Woodland Alliance is mapped as dense to open stands of trees. Platanus racemosa is the dominant tree at high to moderate cover. Quercus agrifolia is present at moderate to low cover. Other trees, including Quercus agrifolia, Salix laevigata, and Populus fremontii may be present at moderate to very low cover. This alliance favors riparian areas on fairly flat perennial stream floodplains. This type is found only on the east side of the park. This alliance is mapped within the park, buffer, and expanded study area. The alliance also represents the hierarchical class into which all Platanus racemosa types are nested. Photo Signature: Platanus racemosa appears on the imagery as a dull to bright green color with an irregularly shaped open crown, usually taller than the other trees in the canopy. Types with Similar Signature: Southwestern North American Riparian Evergreen and Deciduous Forest Group - 1300 (original 1301) Quercus agrifolia Woodland Alliance - 2110 1311 - California Sycamore-Coast Live Oak Woodland Association (Included in the Original, Post AA, and Park-Specific databases) Platanus racemosa-Quercus agrifolia Woodland Association Aerial Photo Mapped Unit Distribution A Description: The Platanus racemosa-Quercus agrifolia Woodland Association is mapped as dense to open stands of trees. Platanus racemosa and Quercus agrifolia co-dominate, each at high to moderate cover. Populus fremontii and Salix laevigata may be present at low to very low cover. Toxicodendron diversilobum may be present in the understory at moderate to very low cover, and is usually hidden from view under the tree canopy. This association favors riparian areas on fairly level and flat perennial stream floodplains. It is only found on the east side of the park. This type is mapped within the park and buffer. In the expanded study area it is mapped as Platanus racemosa Temporarily Flooded Woodland Alliance (1310). Photo Signature: Platanus racemosa appears on the imagery as a dull to bright green color with an irregularly shaped open crown, usually taller than the other trees in the canopy. Quercus agrifolia is dark green in color with a coarse texture, and a rounded billowy crown. Types with Similar Signature: Southwestern North American Riparian Evergreen And Deciduous Forest Group - 1300 (original 1301) Quercus agrifolia Woodland Alliance - 2110 2101 - Live Oak Woodland and Shrubland Mapping Unit (Included in the Original database) Quercus sp. Woodland and Shrubland Mapping Unit Quercus agrifolia Woodland Alliance Quercus wislizenii Woodland Alliance Quercus berberidifolia Shrubland Alliance Aerial Photo Mapped Unit Distribution A Description: The Quercus sp. Woodland and Shrubland Mapping Unit is mapped where Quercus agrifolia, Quercus wislizenii and/or Quercus berberidifolia cannot be differentiated from photo interpretation. Quercus agrifolia is typically a large tree; Quercus wislizenii can be a tree or a tall shrub; and Quercus berberidifolia is a tall shrub. Quercus sp. is present at high to moderate cover. Quercus douglasii may also be present at moderate to very low cover. Field reconnaissance and releve sites are not available for these areas. This mapping unit is found on northerly, moderately steep to steep, lower to upper slopes. Quercus wislizenii favors thin soil or rockier sites, while Quercus berberidifolia prefers deeper soils. Quercus agrifolia also prefers deeper soils and is usually found on canyon bottoms and floodplains, but can be found on slopes. This class is mapped within the park, buffer, and expanded study area. Photo Signature: Quercus wislizenii and Quercus berberidifolia are medium to dark green in color with a coarse texture and a rounded, billowy crown. Quercus agrifolia has a similar signature but is usually darker in color and larger in stature. Types with Similar Signature: Quercus agrifolia Woodland Alliance - 2110 Quercus agrifolia/Annual Grass-Herb Woodland Association - 2112 Quercus wislizenii Woodland Alliance - 2120 Quercus berberidifolia Shrubland Alliance - 3160 2110 - Coast Live Oak Woodland Alliance (Included in the Original, Post AA, and Park-Specific databases) Quercus agrifolia Woodland Alliance Quercus agrifolia-Aesculus californica Woodland Association Quercus agrifolia/Toxicodendron diversilobum Intermittently Flooded Woodland Association Aerial Photo Mapped Unit Distribution A Description: The Quercus agrifolia Woodland Alliance is mapped as dense to sparse stands of trees over open to sparse chaparral, short shrubs, grasses and herbs. Quercus agrifolia dominates at high to low cover. Pinus sabiniana, Quercus douglasii, Quercus wislizenii, and Aesculus californica may be present at moderate to very low cover. Quercus lobata may be present at low to very low cover. Toxicodendron diversilobum may be present at moderate to very low cover. In riparian areas riparian or mesic shrubs, including Salix lasiolepis, Baccharis salicifolia, Baccharis pilularis, and Rosa californica may be present, each at low to very low cover. This alliance favors dry to mesic ravines, canyon bottoms, and floodplains, and lower slopes adjacent to floodplains. It may also be found on northerly, moderately steep, concave to neutral, lower to upper slopes. It also favors sites at the base of pinnacles, cliffs and large rock outcrops. This alliance is mapped within the park, buffer, and expanded study area. The alliance also represents the hierarchical class into which all Quercus agrifolia types are nested. Note that although Quercus wislizenii stands were not mapped, small stands may occur within the study area mapped as this alliance. Q. wislizenii is known to occur in the Balconies area and on the north face of Mt. Defiance. Photo Signature: Quercus agrifolia is dark green in color with a coarsely textured, large, rounded, billowy crown. The grass-herb understory is brown to tan in color with a smooth texture. Pinus sabiniana appears on the imagery as rounded to irregularly crowned trees emergent over other shorter trees, chaparral, and grass. It has a light blue-green to blue-gray color with a soft to wispy texture. Quercus douglasii has a large, rounded crown that is dull blue to blue-green color. Aesculus californica appears as large, round-crowned individuals with a soft texture. The signature on the supplemental natural color imagery can appear as bright green, medium green, yellow-green, or yellow-tan to light tan, depending on its stage of senescence. Quercus wislizenii is medium to dark green in color with a coarsely textured, large, rounded, billowy crown. The signature is similar to that of Quercus agrifolia, which has a darker green color and taller, larger stature. Quercus agrifolia prefers deeper soils than Quercus wislizenii. Types with Similar Signature: Pinus sabiniana Woodland Alliance - 1210 Southwestern North American Riparian Evergreen and Deciduous Forest Group - 1300 (original 1301) Platanus racemosa Temporarily Flooded Woodland Alliance - 1310 Platanus racemosa-Quercus agrifolia Woodland Association - 1311 Quercus douglasii Woodland Alliance - 2210 Quercus lobata Woodland Alliance - 2230 Quercus berberidifolia Shrubland Alliance - 3160 2112 - Coast Live Oak/Annual Grass-Herb Woodland Association (Included in the Original and Post AA Park-Specific database) Quercus agrifolia/Annual Grass-Herb Woodland Association Aerial Photo Mapped Unit Distribution A Description: The Quercus agrifolia/Annual Grass-Herb Woodland Association is mapped as open to sparse stands of trees over grasses and herbs. Quercus agrifolia is the dominant tree at moderate to low cover. Quercus lobata may be present at low to very low cover. Quercus douglasii and Pinus sabiniana may be present at very low cover. Toxicodendron diversilobum may be present and hidden from view under the canopy. This type occurs on flat floodplain terraces or on north-facing, moderate to steep, neutral to concave, lower to upper slopes. This class is mapped within the park and buffer. Within the expanded study area it is mapped as Quercus agrifolia Woodland Alliance (2110). Photo Signature: Quercus agrifolia is dark green in color with a coarsely textured, large, rounded, billowy crown. The grass-herb understory is brown to tan in color with a smooth texture. Types with Similar Signature: Platanus racemosa-Quercus agrifolia Woodland Alliance - 1311 Quercus sp. Woodland and Shrubland Mapping Unit - 2101 Quercus agrifolia Alluvial Woodland Mapping Unit - 2114 Quercus agrifolia-Quercus douglasii Woodland Mapping Unit - 2117 Quercus lobata-Quercus agrifolia/Grass Woodland Association - 2231 2114 - Coast Live Oak Alluvial Woodland Mapping Unit (Included in the Original and Post AA Park-Specific databases) Quercus agrifolia Alluvial Woodland Mapping Unit Aerial Photo Mapped Unit Distribution A Description: The Quercus agrifolia Alluvial Woodland Mapping Unit is mapped as dense to open stands of trees along riparian corridors. Quercus agrifolia is the dominant tree at high to low cover. Pinus sabiniana may be present at low to very low cover. Toxicodendron diversilobum may be present at high
* Processing environment Microsoft Windows 7 Version 6.1 (Build 7601) Service Pack 1; Esri ArcGIS

Vegetation classification development was conducted by PINN, NatureServe, and the California Native Plant Society. The vegetation mapping was conducted by Aerial Information Systems. Acknowledgements This project was completed through the effort and dedication of numerous individuals and organizations. Details of the role of each person mentioned here is described in more detail in the Project Overview section. Sharon Franklet, Denise Louie, Paul Johnson and Brent Johnson (Pinnacles National Monument), Julie Evens and Jennifer Buck (California Native Plant Society), Gwen Kittel and Marion Reid (NatureServe), and Debbie Johnson, Ben Johnson, Ed Reyes and Arin Glass (Aerial Information Systems). Funding for this project was provided through the USGS-NPS National Vegetation Mapping Program and administered to the Park by the kind help of the San Francisco Bay Area Inventory and Monitoring Network. Numerous individuals collected plot and accuracy assessment field data. We appreciate the hard work of Melinda Elster, Andra Forney and Betsy Harbert with oversight by Jennifer Buck, Eric Peterson, Donna Shorrock, and Kendra Sikes (CNPS). The 2003 and 2004 Park crews were Sherry Bottoms, Katie deLaveaga, Shauna Hee, Michelle Karle, Kipp Marzullo, Keir Morse, Kendra Moseley (NPS) and others not listed here. Gwen Kittel of NatureServe conducted quantitative analyses and prepared the preliminary vegetation classification; analysis results were reviewed and final association names assigned by Julie Evens (CNPS) and Gwen Kittel (NatureServe). The California Native Plant Society staff, including Ed Kentner, created the local association descriptions. Ed Reyes and Arin Glass (AIS) conducted the photo interpretation and Debbie Johnson, Ed Reyes, Mike Nelson and Ben Johnson conducted the accuracy assessment. Jennifer Buck (CNPS) assisted with accuracy assessment analysis. All parties contributed to the final report. Ben Johnson of AIS also created most of the report figures. Thanks also to John Menke (AIS) and Todd Keeler-Wolf (California Department of Fish and Game) for their guidance during the initial meeting and field reconnaissance. Special thanks to Sharon Franklet, Jason Herynk, Denise Louise, Brent Johnson, Valerie Nuttman, Paul Johnson, Eric Brunnermann, Darrell Chambers, Leticia Ruiz, Lisa Smith, and the Condor Program Team of Pinnacles National Monument, who made us welcome whenever we arrived to check the map or collect field data, and provided helpful advice, keys, access and field assistance to help us best access different parts of the Monument. For these and other contributors to the success of the project, we are grateful.
ArcGIS item properties
* Name DS0947_20131125
* Location Server=; :; Database=; User=; Version=
* Access protocol ArcSDE Connection


ground condition
Temporal extent
Date and time 2005-01-01

Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
West longitude -121.313284
East longitude -121.096789
South latitude 36.383668
North latitude 36.568949

Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
Extent type Extent used for searching
* West longitude -121.310693
* East longitude -121.098417
* North latitude 36.567652
* South latitude 36.385906
* Extent contains the resource Yes

Extent in the item's coordinate system
* West longitude -13504244.578700
* East longitude -13480614.097200
* South latitude 4353852.224600
* North latitude 4379013.236500
* Extent contains the resource Yes

Resource Points of Contact

Point of contact
Individual's name Brent Johnson
Organization's name Pinnacles National Monument
Contact's position Botanist
Contact's role point of contact

Contact information
Voice (831) 389-4486 ext.259
TDD/TTY (831) 389-4486 ext.259
Fax (831) 389-4489

Type both
Delivery point Pinnacles National Monument, 50000 Highway 146
City Paicines
Administrative area California
Postal code 95043
Country U.S.A
e-mail address

Hours of service
7:30 am - 4:30 pm PST

Resource Maintenance

Resource maintenance
Update frequency as needed

Resource Constraints

Legal constraints
Limitations of use
The U.S. Geological Survey and the National Park Service shall not be held liable for improper or incorrect use of the data described and/or contained herein. These data and related graphics (if available) are not legal documents and are not intended to be used as such. The information contained in these data is dynamic and may change over time. The data are not better than the original sources from which they were derived. It is the responsibility of the data user to use the data appropriately and consistent within the limitations of geospatial data in general and these data in particular. Any related graphics (if available) are intended to aid the data user in acquiring relevant data; it is not approriate to use the related graphics as data. The U.S. Geological Survey and the National Park Service gives no warranty, expressed or implied, as to the accuracy, reliability, or completeness of these data. It is strongly recommended that these data are directly acquired from an U.S. Geological Survey and National Park Service servers and not indirectly through other sources which may have changed the data in some way. Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at the U.S. Geological Survey, no warranty expressed or implied is made regarding the utility of the data on another system or for general or scientific purposes, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty. This disclaimer applies both to individual use of the data and aggregate use with other data. It is also strongly recommended that careful attention be paid to the contents of the metadata file associated with these data. Mention of trade names or commercial products in this metadata report does not constitute endorsement or recommendation for use by the U. S. Department of the Interior, U. S. Geological Survey and National Park Service.
Other constraints
This is a public dataset. The complete dataset may only be accessed and downloaded through
Limitations of use
Please acknowledge the originators in products derived from these data. Any person using the information presented here should fully understand the data collection and compilation before beginning analysis. The burden for determining fitness for use lies entirely with the user.

Spatial Reference

ArcGIS coordinate system
* Type Projected
* Geographic coordinate reference GCS_WGS_1984
* Projection WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere
* Coordinate reference details
Projected coordinate system
Well-known identifier 102100
X origin -20037700
Y origin -30241100
XY scale 10000
Z origin 0
Z scale 1
M origin 0
M scale 1
XY tolerance 0.001
Z tolerance 2
M tolerance 2
High precision true
Latest well-known identifier 3857
Well-known text PROJCS["WGS_1984_Web_Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere",GEOGCS["GCS_WGS_1984",DATUM["D_WGS_1984",SPHEROID["WGS_1984",6378137.0,298.257223563]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Mercator_Auxiliary_Sphere"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",0.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",0.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",0.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",0.0],PARAMETER["Auxiliary_Sphere_Type",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0],AUTHORITY["EPSG",3857]]

Reference system identifier
* Value 3857
* Codespace EPSG
* Version 7.11.2

Spatial Data Properties

* Level of topology for this dataset geometry only

Geometric objects
Feature class name DS0947_20131125
* Object type composite
* Object count 6346

ArcGIS Feature Class Properties
Feature class name DS0947_20131125
* Feature type Simple
* Geometry type Polygon
* Has topology FALSE
* Feature count 6346
* Spatial index TRUE
* Linear referencing FALSE

Data Quality

Scope of quality information
Resource level dataset

Data quality report - Quantitative attribute accuracy
Measure description
An accuracy assessment (AA) was conducted on the original vegetation map database. The AA had a criterium of 80% accuracy at the 90% confidence level for all classes. As a result of the AA, classes that were below the 80% threshold were bumped up the classification hierarchy until they attained a category where they met the 80% criterium. The result was a Post AA vegetation database. During the AA process it was recognized that many of the mapped polygons, although they did not reach the 80% threshold, still held valid information that could be of importance to the park or end users. NPS on a national level also recognizes that AA discrepancies may be the result of PI, key, classification, and in-field factors such as: " vegetation descriptions/definitions and key not accounting for all the variations in a type " field vs. PI perspective of stand density and vegetation distribution " GPS positional error " low number of AA sites sampled where just one or two misses can put a class below 80%. For example 2 sites, 1 miss = 50% 3 sites, 2 miss = 33%, 1 miss = 66% 4 sites, 3 miss = 25 %, 2 miss = 50%, 1 miss = 75% 5 sites, 4 miss = 20%, 3 miss = 40%, 2 miss = 60%, 1 miss = 80% which can result in classes falling below the 80% threshold, but may not necessarily be a true indication of the accuracy of a class. Future NPS vegetation mapping efforts will include a validation step before final delivery for the AA that will accept classes of &gt;60% accuracy with the intent of incorporating changes into the map from new information gained by the validation process prior to AA (Lea, communication, August 2009). This new direction supports the mapping/field efforts that were done at PINN. However the final Post AA database that was considered the final deliverable, did not use the &gt;60% accuracy threshold. Therefore, in order to provide the park with a vegetation database that retained more detail than the Post AA database but modifying the vegetation interpretation from the knowledge gained through the AA process, a third Post AA Park-Specific database has been created. This database maintains most of the original suballiance and association classes with modifications made based new information. Misintepretation trends brought out by the AA process were also considered.


Process step
When the process occurred 2007-20-09
See Attribute Accuracy Report for Process Description.

Process contact
Individual's name Edward Reyes
Organization's name Aerial Information Systems, Inc.
Contact's position Project Coordinator
Contact's role processor

Contact information
Voice (909) 793-9493
Fax (909) 798-4430

Type physical
Delivery point 112 First Street
City Redlands
Administrative area California
Postal code 92373
Country U.S.A.

Hours of service
8:00am - 5:00pm M-F

Process step
When the process occurred 2013-01-01
The shapefile was imported into a geodatabase by the USGS/CSS/Core Science Analytics and Synthesis.

Geoprocessing history

Date 2013-06-1310:35:33
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Date 2013-09-1816:11:58
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Date 2013-09-1816:25:39
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Date 2013-10-2216:48:03
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Date 2013-10-2216:48:21
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Date 2013-10-2216:48:37
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Date 2013-10-2216:48:57
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Date 2013-10-2216:49:18
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Date 2013-10-2216:49:34
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Date 2013-10-2216:50:05
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Date 2013-10-2216:50:29
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Date 2013-10-2216:50:45
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Date 2013-10-2216:52:27
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Date 2013-10-2216:52:50
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Date 2013-10-2216:53:38
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Date 2013-10-2216:54:04
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Date 2013-11-0717:20:22
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Date 2013-11-2112:55:27
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Date 2013-11-2510:22:00
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Date 2013-11-2510:27:15
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Contact information
Individual's name USGS-NPS Vegetation Mapping Program Coordinator
Organization's name USGS/CSS/Core Science Analytics and Synthesis
Contact's role distributor

Contact information
Voice (303) 202-4220
Fax 303-202-4219

Type both
Delivery point Denver Federal Center, Building 810, MS 302
City Denver
Administrative area Colorado
Postal code 80225
e-mail address

Available format

Ordering process
Terms and fees None

Transfer options
Online source
Description Internet Access

Distribution format
* Name SDE Feature Class

Transfer options
Online source

Online source


Details for object DS0947_20131125
* Type Feature Class
* Row count 6346
Vegetation - Pinnacles National Monument [ds947]

* Data type OID
* Width 4
* Precision 10
* Scale 0
* Field description
Internal feature number.
* Description source
* Description of values
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Shape
* Alias Shape
* Data type Geometry
* Width 4
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
* Field description
Feature geometry.
* Description source
* Description of values
Coordinates defining the features.

Field Poly_ID
* Alias Poly_ID
* Data type Integer
* Width 4
* Precision 10
* Scale 0
Field description
Unique identifier for each polygon.
Description source
Description of values
Unique plot code.

Field NVCSName
* Alias NVCSName
* Data type String
* Width 100
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The standardized name of the vegetation description used in the National Vegetation Classification System (see . Since the NVCS does not have categories for human land use or otherwise unvegetated land, those descriptions were drawn from the California Wildlife Habitat Relationship.
Description source

Field NVCSLevel
* Alias NVCSLevel
* Data type String
* Width 50
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The standardized level of the vegetation description used in the National Vegetation Classification System (see .
Description source

Field MapClass
* Alias MapClass
* Data type String
* Width 255
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The finest level of vegetation type mapped (alliance, group or macrogroup); or land use for polygons that are not natural vegetation, per the mapping classification. Post accuracy assessment vegetation type.

Field PostAA_Alliance
* Alias MapClassCode
* Data type SmallInteger
* Width 2
* Precision 5
* Scale 0
Field description
Code for MapClass.
Description source
Note: certain fields have been added by the Department of Fish and Game's Vegetation Classification and Mapping Program. These include crosswalks to the Wildlife Habitat Relationships and CalVeg classification systems, Global and State Ranks, CaCode and the fields relating the mapping units to the National Vegetation Classification System as it is described for California in the 2nd edition of the Manual of California Vegetation.
List of values
Value 1200
Description California Evergreen Coniferous Forest and Woodland Group

Value 1210
Description Foothill Pine Woodland Alliance

Value 1211
Description Foothill Pine/Chaparral Woodland Mapping Unit

Value 1212
Description Foothill Pine/California Wild Buckwheat Alluvial Woodland Mapping Unit

Value 1213
Description Foothill Pine/California Wild Buckwheat Thin Substrate Woodland Mapping Unit

Value 1220
Description California Juniper Woodland Alliance

Value 1300
Description Southwestern North American Riparian Evergreen and Deciduous Forest Group

Value 1310
Description California Sycamore Temporarily Flooded Woodland Alliance

Value 1311
Description California Sycamore-Coast Live Oak Woodland Association [park/buffer]

Value 2100
Description California Broadleaf Forest and Woodland Group [non-deciduous]

Value 2110
Description Coast Live Oak Woodland Alliance

Value 2112
Description Coast Live Oak/Annual Grass-Herb Woodland Association [park/buffer]

Value 2114
Description Coast Live Oak Alluvial Woodland Mapping Unit [park/buffer]

Value 2120
Description Interior Live Oak Woodland Alliance

Value 2200
Description California Broadleaf Forest and Woodland Group [deciduous]

Value 2210
Description Blue Oak Woodland Alliance

Value 2211
Description Blue Oak/Chaparral/Grass Woodland Mapping Unit [park/buffer]

Value 2212
Description Blue Oak/Mixed Herbaceous Woodland Association [park/buffer]

Value 2213
Description Blue Oak-California Juniper Woodland Association [park/buffer]

Value 2216
Description Blue Oak-California Buckeye Woodland Mapping Unit [park/buffer]

Value 2217
Description Blue Oak-Foothill Pine Woodland Mapping Unit [park/buffer]

Value 2218
Description Blue Oak/Coastal Sage Scrub Woodland Mapping Unit [park/buffer]

Value 2220
Description California Buckeye Woodland Alliance

Value 2230
Description Valley Oak Woodland Alliance

Value 2231
Description Valley Oak-Coast Live Oak/Grass Woodland Association [park/buffer]

Value 2232
Description Valley Oak-Coast Live Oak/Mesic Grass Woodland Mapping Unit [park/buffer]

Value 3100
Description Californian Chaparral Shrubland Macrogroup [extended area]

Value 3101
Description Californian Xeric Chaparral Shrubland Group

Value 3110
Description Chamise Shrubland Alliance [park/buffer]

Value 3114
Description Chamise-Coastal Sage Scrub Shrubland Mapping Unit [park/buffer]

Value 3115
Description Chamise-California Wild Buckwheat Shrubland Mapping Unit [park/buffer]

Value 3150
Description Hollyleaf Cherry Shrubland Alliance [park/buffer]

Value 3160
Description California Scrub Oak Shrubland Alliance

Value 3200
Description Evergreen Coastal Scrub Shrubland Group

Value 3210
Description Coyote Brush Shrubland Alliance [park/buffer]

Value 3300
Description California Coastal Scrub Shrubland Macrogroup

Value 3330
Description California Wild Buckwheat Shrubland Alliance [park/buffer]

Value 3331
Description California Wild Buckwheat Alluvial Shrubland Mapping Unit [park/buffer]

Value 3332
Description California Wild Buckwheat Thin Substrate Shrubland Mapping Unit [park/buffer]

Value 3350
Description Silver Lupine Shrubland Alliance [park/buffer]

Value 3360
Description Black Sage Alliance [park/buffer]

Value 3370
Description California Sagebrush-California Wild Buckwheat Shrubland Alliance [park/buffer]

Value 3400
Description Southwestern North American Riparian/Wash Scrub Shrubland Group

Value 3410
Description California Rose Shrubland Alliance

Value 4003
Description Open to Sparse Grass on Thin Substrate Herbaceous Vegetation Mapping Unit

Value 4004
Description Alluvial Herb and Shrub Vegetation Mapping Unit

Value 4100
Description Western North American Freshwater Marsh Herbaceous Vegetation Macrogroup

Value 4101
Description Bulrush-Cattails Herbaceous Vegetation Mapping Unit

Value 4300
Description Mediterranean California Naturalized Annual and Perennial Grassland and Herbaceous Vegetation Macrogroup

Value 4500
Description Western North American Wet Meadow and Low Shrub Carr Herbaceous Vegetation Macrogroup

Value 4510
Description Deergrass Herbaceous Vegetation Alliance

Value 9100
Description Built-up Mapping Unit

Value 9200
Description Agriculture Mapping Unit

Value 9400
Description Sparsely Vegetated to Non-vegetated Mapping Units

Value 9420
Description Cliffs, Rock Outcrops, and Steep Eroded Slopes Mapping Unit

Value 9500
Description Water Mapping Unit

Value 9600
Description Planted Trees and Shrubs Mapping Unit

Value 9700
Description Post Burn and Post Disturbance Undifferentiated Shrub and Grass-Herb Regeneration Mapping Unit

Value 9710
Description Post Burn and Post Disturbance Californian Chaparral Shrubland Mapping Unit

Value 9720
Description Post Burn and Post Disturbance Californian Xeric Chaparral Shrubland Mapping Unit

Field X_Centroid
* Alias X_Centroid
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 38
* Scale 8
Field description
X Coordinate (UTM Easting) of the centroid of the polygon
Description source
Description of values
Easting coordinate.

Field Y_Centroid
* Alias Y_Centroid
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 38
* Scale 8
Field description
Y Coordinate (UTM Northing) of the centroid of the polygon
Description source
Description of values
Northing coordinate.

Field DenConifer_Code
* Alias DenConifer_Code
* Data type String
* Width 5
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Code for DenConifer_Class.
List of values
Value 1
Description >60%

Value 2
Description 40-60%

Value 3
Description 25-40%

Value 4
Description 10-25%

Value 5
Description 2-10%

Value 9
Description None

Field DenHardwood_Code
* Alias DenHardwood_Code
* Data type String
* Width 5
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Code for DenHardwood_Class.
List of values
Value 1
Description >60%

Value 2
Description 40-60%

Value 3
Description 25-40%

Value 4
Description 10-25%

Value 5
Description 2-10%

Value 9
Description None

Field DenShrub_Code
* Alias DenShrub_Code
* Data type String
* Width 5
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Code for DenShrub_Class.
List of values
Value 1
Description >60%

Value 2
Description 40-60%

Value 3
Description 25-40%

Value 4
Description 10-25%

Value 5
Description 2-10%

Value 9
Description None

Field Landuse
* Alias Landuse
* Data type SmallInteger
* Width 2
* Precision 5
* Scale 0
Field description
Code for Landuse_Name
List of values
Value 100
Description Urban - Non-park facilities and private in-holdings

Value 110
Description Residential (includes farmsteads [residences with associated farm buildings] along Hwy 25, Regan Ranch, Schmidt Ranch, McCabe Canyon, and the West side)

Value 200
Description Agriculture

Value 210
Description Cropland

Value 220
Description Orchards and Vineyards

Value 230
Description Other Agriculture

Value 400
Description National Park/Monument Facilities

Value 401
Description Bear Gulch Facilities (Headquarters, Visitor Center, Employee Residence, Parking, Restroom)

Value 402
Description Chalone Creek Facilities (Maintenance, Employee Residence)

Value 403
Description Bear Gulch Parking (Parking, Restroom)

Value 404
Description Pinnacles Campground Facilities

Value 405
Description Chaparral Facilities (Visitor Center, Parking, Picnic Area, Employee Residence)

Value 408
Description Eastern Addition Former Farmsteads

Value 409
Description Eastern Addition Airport Buildings

Value 410
Description North Chalone Peak Lookout/Restroom

Value 800
Description Water

Value 900
Description Vacant

Field CALVEGName
* Alias CALVEGName
* Data type String
* Width 75
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
A crosswalk to the CalVeg vegetation system. Note that there may be a one-to-many relationship between CalVeg and NVCS. See .
Description source

Field CALVEGCode
* Alias CALVEGCode
* Data type String
* Width 50
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
A crosswalk to the CalVeg vegetation system. Note that there may be a one-to-many relationship between CalVeg and NVCS. See .
Description source

Field CWHRType
* Alias CWHRType
* Data type String
* Width 75
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
A crosswalk to the California Wildlife Habitat Relationships system. Note that there is usually a one-to-many relationship between CWHR and NVCS. See .
Description source

Field CWHRCode
* Alias CWHRCode
* Data type String
* Width 50
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
A crosswalk to the California Wildlife Habitat Relationships system. Note that there is usually a one-to-many relationship between CWHR and NVCS. See .
Description source

Field GlobalRank
* Alias GlobalRank
* Data type String
* Width 5
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The global rarity rank of the plant community mapped (only for alliances and associations).
Description source

Field StateRank
* Alias StateRank
* Data type String
* Width 5
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The state rarity rank of the plant community mapped (only for alliances and associations).
Description source

Field Rare
* Alias Rare
* Data type String
* Width 3
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Rarity of the vegetation type. Alliances and associations with state ranks of S1-S3 are considered rare.
Description source
List of values
Value Yes
Description Rare

Value No
Description Not Rare

Value U
Description Unknown

Field CaCode
* Alias CaCode
* Data type String
* Width 10
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
California Natural Community Codes - unique code assigned to alliances and associations.
Description source

Field NVCSAlliance
* Alias NVCSAlliance
* Data type String
* Width 100
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The standardized name for the alliance within the National Vegetation Classification System. See .
Description source

Field NVCSGroup
* Alias NVCSGroup
* Data type String
* Width 255
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The standardized name for the group within the National Vegetation Classification System. See .
Description source

* Alias NVCSMG
* Data type String
* Width 255
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
The standardized name for the macrogroup within the National Vegetation Classification System. See .
Description source

Field Acres
* Alias Acres
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 38
* Scale 8
Field description
Area (meters)
Description source
Description of values
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Hectares
* Alias Hectares
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 38
* Scale 8
Field description
Perimeter (meters)
Description source
Description of values
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Shape.STArea()
* Alias Shape.STArea()
* Data type Double
* Width 0
* Precision 0
* Scale 0

Field Shape.STLength()
* Alias Shape.STLength()
* Data type Double
* Width 0
* Precision 0
* Scale 0


Aggregate Information
Association type cross reference

Aggregate resource name
Title Post AA Park-Specific Vegetation Database
Publication date 2009-01-01

FGDC geospatial presentation format database

Responsible party
Organization's name Aerial Information Systems, PINN, NatureServe, California Native Plant Society
Contact's role originator

Metadata Details

Metadata language English(UNITED STATES)
Metadata character set utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format

Scope of the data described by the metadata dataset
Scope name * dataset

* Last update 2014-04-28

ArcGIS metadata properties
Metadata format ArcGIS1.0
Metadata style FGDC CSDGM Metadata

Created in ArcGIS for the item 2014-03-0622:20:30
Last modified in ArcGIS for the item 2014-04-2815:05:48

Automatic updates
Have been performed Yes
Last update 2014-04-2815:05:48

Metadata Contacts

Metadata contact
Individual's name USGS-NPS Vegetation Mapping Program Coordinator
Organization's name USGS/CSS/Core Science Analytics and Synthesis
Contact's role point of contact

Contact information
Voice (303) 202-4220
Fax (303) 202-4219

Type both
Delivery point Denver Federal Center, Building 810, MS 302
City Denver
Administrative area Colorado
Postal code 80225
e-mail address

Metadata Maintenance

Update frequency unknown

Other maintenance requirements
Last metadata review date: 20130129

Thumbnail and Enclosures

Enclosure type File
Description of enclosure original metadata
Original metadata document, which was translated yes
Source metadata format fgdc