Landscape Blocks for the California Desert Linkage Network [ds823]

File Geodatabase Feature Class

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habitat suitability, land facet, patch configuration, Mohave Desert, patch size, Sonoran Desert, least-cost corridor, California


The primary objective of this effort is to identify lands essential to maintain or restore functional connectivity among wildlands for all species or ecological processes of interest in the California deserts and as a vital adaptation strategy to conserve biodiversity during climate change.


The rapidly increasing demands being placed on our deserts points to the urgent need for a comprehensive habitat connectivity assessment that spans jurisdictional boundaries and promotes the partnerships needed to implement a regional conservation strategy for this diverse and striking landscape. The primary goal of the California Desert Connectivity Project is to identify areas where maintenance or restoration of ecological connectivity is essential for conserving the unique biological diversity of California's deserts. Identification of these key areas of connectivity will help inform land management and conservation decisions, infrastructure improvements and mitigation options in the face of future land-use pressures as well as climate change. Another goal of the project was to produce implementable linkage designs and provide the necessary data and information to inform land management, land acquisition, restoration (e.g., habitat restoration and restoration of permeability across transportation barriers), and stewardship in connectivity zones. In 2009, SC Wildlands brought together regional ecologists to conduct a formal evaluation of 47 linkages associated with the California deserts. The evaluation was designed to assess the biological irreplaceability and vulnerability of each linkage (sensu Noss et al. 2002). Irreplaceability assessed the relative biological value of each linkage, including both terrestrial and aquatic criteria: 1) size of habitat blocks served by the linkage; 2) quality of existing habitat in the smaller habitat block; 3) quality and amount of existing habitat in the proposed linkage; 4) linkage to other ecoregions or key to movement through the ecoregion; 5) facilitation of seasonal movement and responses to climatic change; and 6) addition of value for aquatic ecosystems. Vulnerability and threat was primarily evaluated by comparing proposed renewable energy projects and study areas, and proposed road projects that might disrupt animal movement among targeted Landscape Blocks (i.e., areas protected from energy development and roads). Landscape Blocks include BLM Wilderness Areas and Areas of Critical Environmental Concern (ACEC), national and state parks, federal and state wildlife refuges, private conservation reserves, and military reservations. This process identified 23 crucial linkages that were each defined by a pair of Landscape Blocks that should remain connected. One of the 23 linkage planning areas, the Mojave National Preserve to Joshua Tree National Park, was determined to be redundant with a previously delineated linkage design between Joshua Tree-Twentynine Palms Marine Corps Base (Penrod et al. 2008) and the linkage planning area between Mojave National Preserve and Twentynine Palms. Thus, this process focused on 22 linkages that could be irretrievably compromised by development projects over the next decade unless immediate conservation action occurs (Figure 1). The biological integrity of several thousand square miles of wildlands in the California desert would be irreversibly jeopardized if these linkages were lost.


Produced for the Bureau of Land Management and The Wildlands Conservancy. Produced by Science and Collaboration for Connected Wildlands, Fair Oaks, CA and Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona .

Use limitations

Disclaimer: The State makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or adequacy of these data and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in these data. No warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and freedom from computer virus, is given with respect to these data.


West -119.033485 East -114.005027
North 37.239295 South 32.673604

Scale Range
Maximum (zoomed in) 1:5,000
Minimum (zoomed out) 1:150,000,000

ArcGIS Metadata

Topics and Keywords

* Content type Downloadable Data
Export to FGDC CSDGM XML format as Resource Description No

Place keywords Mohave Desert, Sonoran Desert, California

Theme keywords habitat suitability, land facet, patch configuration, patch size, least-cost corridor


Title Landscape Blocks for the California Desert Linkage Network [ds823]
Publication date 2014-03-2400:00:00

Presentation formats * digital map

Citation Contacts

Responsible party
Organization's name Science and Collaboration for Connected Wildlands
Contact's role originator

Resource Details

Dataset languages English(UNITED STATES)

Status completed
Spatial representation type * vector

Supplemental information
For a detailed description of the approach and methodology used to delineate the landscape block please see the accompanying report "A Linkage Network for the California Deserts" at . The associated linkage network dataset included in BIOS is ds822.
* Processing environment Microsoft Windows 10 Version 10.0 (Build 19045) ; Esri ArcGIS

Produced for the Bureau of Land Management and The Wildlands Conservancy. Produced by Science and Collaboration for Connected Wildlands, Fair Oaks, CA and Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona .
ArcGIS item properties
* Name ds823
* Location file://\\geodata.\\BIOSOnline\Refresh\TODOData\BIOSOnlineData.gdb
* Access protocol Local Area Network


publication date
Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
Extent type Extent used for searching
* West longitude -119.033485
* East longitude -114.005027
* North latitude 37.239295
* South latitude 32.673604
* Extent contains the resource Yes

Extent in the item's coordinate system
* West longitude 90631.127000
* East longitude 531772.329800
* South latitude -577284.248400
* North latitude -85894.089600
* Extent contains the resource Yes

Resource Points of Contact

Point of contact
Individual's name Kristeen Penrod
Organization's name Science & Collaboration for Connected Wildlands
Contact's position Conservation Director
Contact's role point of contact

Contact information
Voice (209)285-1916

e-mail address

Resource Maintenance

Resource maintenance
Update frequency not planned

Resource Constraints

Limitations of use

Disclaimer: The State makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, reliability, or adequacy of these data and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in these data. No warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, and freedom from computer virus, is given with respect to these data.

Spatial Reference

ArcGIS coordinate system
* Type Projected
* Geographic coordinate reference GCS_North_American_1983
* Projection NAD_1983_California_Teale_Albers
* Coordinate reference details
Projected coordinate system
Well-known identifier 3310
X origin -16909700
Y origin -8597000
XY scale 10000
Z origin -100000
Z scale 10000
M origin -100000
M scale 10000
XY tolerance 0.001
Z tolerance 0.001
M tolerance 0.001
High precision true
Latest well-known identifier 3310
Well-known text PROJCS["NAD_1983_California_Teale_Albers",GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",DATUM["D_North_American_1983",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Albers"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",0.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",-4000000.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-120.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",34.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_2",40.5],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0],AUTHORITY["EPSG",3310]]

Reference system identifier
* Value 3310
* Codespace EPSG
* Version 6.8(9.2.0)

Spatial Data Properties

* Level of topology for this dataset geometry only

Geometric objects
Feature class name ds823
* Object type composite
* Object count 0

ArcGIS Feature Class Properties
Feature class name ds823
* Feature type Simple
* Geometry type Polygon
* Has topology FALSE
* Feature count 0
* Spatial index TRUE
* Linear referencing FALSE

Geoprocessing history

Process name
Date 2009-07-2811:01:34
Tool location C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\SimplifyPolygon
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2009-08-0513:01:32
Tool location C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Conversion Tools.tbx\FeatureClassToFeatureClass
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2009-11-2320:21:36
Tool location C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CopyFeatures
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2011-08-1319:43:20
Tool location C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Merge
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2011-08-1320:03:14
Tool location C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CalculateField
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2011-08-2508:48:52
Tool location C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Append
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2011-08-2508:50:04
Tool location C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\CalculateField
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name
Date 2013-07-2515:21:45
Tool location C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\ArcToolbox\Toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Project
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Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Date 2023-12-0116:05:10
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Conversion Tools.tbx\FeatureClassToFeatureClass
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Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Date 2023-12-0116:05:32
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Project
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Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Date 2023-12-0116:05:55
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Rename
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No


Distribution format
* Name File Geodatabase Feature Class

Transfer options
Online source
Function performed information

Online source
Function performed download


Details for object ds823
* Type Feature Class
* Row count 0
Landscape Blocks for the California Desert Linkage Network [ds823]

* Data type OID
* Width 4
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
* Field description
Internal feature number.
* Description source
* Description of values
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Shape
* Alias Shape
* Data type Geometry
* Width 0
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
* Field description
Feature geometry.
* Description source
* Description of values
Coordinates defining the features.

Field Name
* Alias Name
* Data type String
* Width 120
* Precision 0
* Scale 0

Field Shape_Length
* Alias Shape_Length
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
* Field description
Length of feature in internal units.
* Description source
* Description of values
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Shape_Area
* Alias Shape_Area
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
* Field description
Area of feature in internal units squared.
* Description source
* Description of values
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Metadata Details

Metadata language English(UNITED STATES)
Metadata character set utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format

Scope of the data described by the metadata dataset
Scope name * dataset

* Last update 2023-12-01

ArcGIS metadata properties
Metadata format ArcGIS1.0
Metadata style FGDC CSDGM Metadata
Standard or profile used to edit metadata FGDC

Created in ArcGIS for the item 2023-12-0116:05:26
Last modified in ArcGIS for the item 2023-12-0116:05:08

Automatic updates
Have been performed Yes
Last update 2023-12-0116:05:08

Metadata Contacts

Metadata contact
Individual's name Kristeen Penrod
Organization's name Science & Collaboration for Connected Wildlands
Contact's position Conservation Director
Contact's role point of contact

Contact information
Voice (209)285-1916

e-mail address kristeen@scwildlands