Pampas Grass - Orange Co. [ds351]

File Geodatabase Feature Class

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Mission Viejo, Salt Creek Watershed, biota, Aliso Viejo, Oso Creek Watershed, Prima Deshecha Watershed, California, Cortaderia selloana, Trabuco Creek Watershed, Segunda Deshecha Watershed, Orange County, Laguna Hills, pampas grass, Aliso Creek Watershed, San Mateo Creek Watershed, San Clemente, Lake Forest, San Juan Creek Watershed, Laguna Beach, San Juan Capistrano, 2007, environment, Laguna Niguel, Dana Point, invasive plants, weeds


The collected data represent a baseline survey of selected invasive plants within the riparian corridors of southern Orange County coastal watersheds.


This dataset provides the known distribution of pampas grass (Cortaderia selloana) in southern Orange County. The surveys were conducted from May to June, 2007 and were funded by the California Department of Fish and Game. There are four other datasets on invasive plants for this area delineating the distribution of Arundo, Canary Island date palm, Mexican fan palm, and 12 other invasive species.


Project Manager - Jason Giessow; Technician - Jason Casanova; Field mapper - Brad Roth

Use limitations

This data is intended for public use and therefore shall not be sold by third parties under any circumstances. Any hardcopies utilizing this data shall clearly indicate their source. If the user has modified the data in any way they are obligated to describe the types of modifications they have performed on the hardcopy map. User specifically agrees not to misrepresent these data sets, nor to imply that changes they made were approved by the original creator. Dendra, Inc. (its affiliated entities, elected and appointed officers, employees, and agents) are not to be held liable for any inconsistencies, misrepresentations, errors, etc. within this dataset. The data is provided "AS IS" and you view, access, copy, and otherwise use this Information at your own risk. Dendra, Inc. makes no representation or warranty of any kind regarding this data, express or implied.


West -117.757159 East -117.508447
North 33.691790 South 33.404069

Scale Range

ArcGIS Metadata

Topics and Keywords

Themes or categories of the resource environment, biota

* Content type Downloadable Data

Place keywords Mission Viejo, Salt Creek Watershed, Aliso Viejo, Oso Creek Watershed, Prima Deshecha Watershed, California, Trabuco Creek Watershed, Segunda Deshecha Watershed, Orange County, Laguna Hills, Aliso Creek Watershed, San Mateo Creek Watershed, San Clemente, Lake Forest, San Juan Creek Watershed, Laguna Beach, San Juan Capistrano, Laguna Niguel, Dana Point

Temporal keywords 2007

Theme keywords biota, environment

Title ISO 19115 Topic Category

Theme keywords Cortaderia selloana, pampas grass, invasive plants, weeds


Title Pampas Grass - Orange Co. [ds351]
Publication date 2007-07-30

Edition Version 1

Presentation formats * digital map

Citation Contacts

Responsible party
Organization's name Dendra Inc
Contact's role originator

Resource Details

Dataset languages English(UNITED STATES)

Status completed
Spatial representation type * vector

* Processing environment Microsoft Windows 10 Version 10.0 (Build 19045) ; Esri ArcGIS

Project Manager - Jason Giessow; Technician - Jason Casanova; Field mapper - Brad Roth
ArcGIS item properties
* Name ds351
* Size 3.070
* Location file://\\geodata.\\BIOSOnline\Refresh\TODOData\BIOSOnlineData.gdb
* Access protocol Local Area Network


ground condition
Temporal extent
Date and time 2007-07-09

Geographic extent
Bounding rectangle
Extent type Extent used for searching
* West longitude -117.757159
* East longitude -117.508447
* North latitude 33.691790
* South latitude 33.404069
* Extent contains the resource Yes

Extent in the item's coordinate system
* West longitude 208734.983839
* East longitude 231067.986891
* South latitude -509220.559217
* North latitude -477870.505566
* Extent contains the resource Yes

Resource Points of Contact

Point of contact
Individual's name Jason Giessow
Organization's name Dendra Inc.
Contact's role point of contact

Contact information
City Encinitas
Administrative area CA
e-mail address

Resource Maintenance

Resource maintenance
Update frequency unknown

Resource Constraints

Legal constraints
Limitations of use
Although these data have been processed successfully on a computer system at Dendra Inc., no warranty expressed or implied is made by the Dendra, Inc. regarding the utility of the data on any other system, nor shall the act of distribution constitute any such warranty.
Limitations of use
This data is intended for public use and therefore shall not be sold by third parties under any circumstances. Any hardcopies utilizing this data shall clearly indicate their source. If the user has modified the data in any way they are obligated to describe the types of modifications they have performed on the hardcopy map. User specifically agrees not to misrepresent these data sets, nor to imply that changes they made were approved by the original creator. Dendra, Inc. (its affiliated entities, elected and appointed officers, employees, and agents) are not to be held liable for any inconsistencies, misrepresentations, errors, etc. within this dataset. The data is provided "AS IS" and you view, access, copy, and otherwise use this Information at your own risk. Dendra, Inc. makes no representation or warranty of any kind regarding this data, express or implied.

Spatial Reference

ArcGIS coordinate system
* Type Projected
* Geographic coordinate reference GCS_North_American_1983
* Projection NAD_1983_California_Teale_Albers
* Coordinate reference details
Projected coordinate system
Well-known identifier 3310
X origin -16909700
Y origin -8597000
XY scale 10000
Z origin -100000
Z scale 10000
M origin -100000
M scale 10000
XY tolerance 0.001
Z tolerance 0.001
M tolerance 0.001
High precision true
Latest well-known identifier 3310
Well-known text PROJCS["NAD_1983_California_Teale_Albers",GEOGCS["GCS_North_American_1983",DATUM["D_North_American_1983",SPHEROID["GRS_1980",6378137.0,298.257222101]],PRIMEM["Greenwich",0.0],UNIT["Degree",0.0174532925199433]],PROJECTION["Albers"],PARAMETER["False_Easting",0.0],PARAMETER["False_Northing",-4000000.0],PARAMETER["Central_Meridian",-120.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_1",34.0],PARAMETER["Standard_Parallel_2",40.5],PARAMETER["Latitude_Of_Origin",0.0],UNIT["Meter",1.0],AUTHORITY["EPSG",3310]]

Reference system identifier
* Value 3310
* Codespace EPSG
* Version 6.8(9.2.0)

Spatial Data Properties

* Level of topology for this dataset geometry only

Geometric objects
Feature class name ds351
* Object type composite
* Object count 0

ArcGIS Feature Class Properties
Feature class name ds351
* Feature type Simple
* Geometry type Polygon
* Has topology FALSE
* Feature count 0
* Spatial index TRUE
* Linear referencing FALSE

Data Quality

Scope of quality information
Resource level dataset

Data quality report - Conceptual consistency
Measure description
No tests for logical consistency were conducted.

Data quality report - Completeness omission
Measure description
Comprehensive surveys (both in the office and field) were conducted for arundo, pampas grass, and palms (Mexican fan and Canary Island date) within and adjacent to the riparain corridors of the select coastal watersheds. Palms and pampas purposely planted in public and private landscaping were excluded unless there were instances that occurred adjacent to riparian areas. Additional invasive species within the riparian zone were mapped during the field verification process.

Data quality report - Quantitative attribute accuracy
Measure description
Attributes assigned from heads-up digitizing in the office were field verified unless there were issues with access to property and/or line of sight due to other vegetation cover, structures, etc. Accuracy of the attribute "COV" has yet to be determined. Percentages were based on a combination of aerial photo interpretation in the office and visual inspection from the ground. In some cases, values may be moderately under or over-estimated again because of issues with access to property and/or line of sight due to other vegetation cover, structures, etc.

Data quality report - Absolute external positional accuracy
Dimension horizontal

Measure description
Positional accuracy is no better than that of the base photography used to delineate extent. Cartographic offsets may be present in the data due to the photography's scale and legibility constraints. When feature boundaries were difficult to delineate (both in the office and field), "rough" estimated boundaries were drawn. Circumstances arise when (a) These circumstances arise when line of sight is blocked due to vegetation cover, structures, terrain, etc, and/or (b) when collection occurs in steep canyons where the GPS signal was lost. These conditions may lead to positional errors greater than the estimated error value stated below.

Quantitative test results
Value ~.5m-3m

Evaluation method
This value is a rough estimate based on a combination of the base photography resolution and the GPS unit accuracy. No further testing was performed.


Process step
Edited original metadata by adding ISO keywords.

Process contact
Individual's name Kristina White
Organization's name California Department of Fish and Game
Contact's role processor

Contact information

Process step
A preliminary survey for arundo, pampas grass, Mexican fan palm, and Canary Island date palm was conducted in-office using heads-up digitizing in conjunction with several high-resolution aerial imagery datasets. Oblique imagery (via the Pictometry extension for ArcGIS and was used as a primary resource to assist with plant identification and location. Project data was then copied onto a field tablet (Xplore ix104C3) for follow-up verification.

Process contact
Individual's name Jason Giessow, Jason Casanova
Organization's name Dendra Inc, LASGRWC
Contact's role processor

Source data
Relationship to the process step used

Source citation
Alternate titles 2006 Obliques

Source data
Relationship to the process step used

Source citation
Alternate titles 2004 1ft Orthos

Source data
Relationship to the process step used

Source citation
Alternate titles 2005 1m Orthos

Source data
Relationship to the process step used

Source citation
Alternate titles 2006 1ft Orthos

Source data
Relationship to the process step used

Source citation
Alternate titles 2006 4in Orthos

Process step
Full FGDC-compliant metadata was created.

Process contact
Individual's name Jason Casanova
Organization's name LASGRWC
Contact's role processor

Process step
A field mapper verified preliminary in-house surveys using a Tablet PC/GPS unit (Xplore ix104c3 with hard-mounted Xplore GPS module). The mapper used his GPS location in conjunction with high-resolution aerial imagery within ArcPad to identify and confirm locations and attribute records of the preliminary surveys. Additional invasive species found in the field were also recorded in the database.

Process contact
Individual's name Jason Giessow; Brad Roth
Organization's name Dendra, Inc.
Contact's role processor

Contact information

Source data
Relationship to the process step used

Source citation
Alternate titles 2006 1ft Orthos

Process step
Data was transferred off of the field tablet and brought back into ESRI desktop software for QA/QC and analysis. Attribute data was checked for consistency and accuracy. Supplemental attributes were added (Investigator, watershed, version, etc.) and fields were populated.

Process contact
Individual's name Jason Giessow
Organization's name Dendra, Inc.
Contact's role processor

Source data
Secondary base map used for preliminary mapping in office (heads-up digitizing).

Source medium name DVD
Resolution of the source data
Scale denominator 40000

Source citation
Title 1m NAIP Orange County Aerial Photography
Alternate titles 2005 1m Orthos
Publication date 2006-03-21

Presentation formats digital map
FGDC geospatial presentation format raster digital data

Responsible party
Organization's name USDA FSA Aerial Photography Office
Contact's role originator

Resource location online

Extent of the source data
ground condition
Temporal extent
Date and time 2005-01-01

Source data
Primary resource used for preliminary mapping in office (heads-up digitizing) for Aliso Creek.

Source medium name DVD
Resolution of the source data
Scale denominator 0

Source citation
Title 2006 4in. true color aerial imagery
Alternate titles 2006 4in Orthos
Publication date
Indeterminate date unknown

Presentation formats digital map
FGDC geospatial presentation format raster digital data

Responsible party
Organization's name Pictometry
Contact's role originator

Extent of the source data
ground condition
Temporal extent
Date and time 2006-01-01

Source data
Primary resource used for preliminary mapping in office (heads-up digitizing). Obliques were used to assist in the plant identification and location from different angles and directions.

Source medium name online link
Resolution of the source data
Scale denominator 0

Source citation
Title 2006 Color Aerial Oblique Imagery
Alternate titles 2006 Obliques
Publication date
Indeterminate date unknown

Presentation formats digital map
FGDC geospatial presentation format raster digital data

Responsible party
Organization's name Pictometry
Contact's role originator

Resource location online

Extent of the source data
ground condition
Temporal extent
Beginning date 2004-01-01
Ending date 2006-01-01

Source data
Secondary base map used for preliminary mapping in office (heads-up digitizing).

Source medium name DVD
Resolution of the source data
Scale denominator 15000

Source citation
Title 1ft Urban Aerial Orthoimagery for Mission Viejo, CA
Alternate titles 2004 1ft Orthos
Publication date 2006-03-13

Presentation formats digital map
FGDC geospatial presentation format raster digital data

Responsible party
Organization's name USGS
Contact's role originator

Resource location online

Extent of the source data
ground condition
Temporal extent
Beginning date 2004-01-21
Ending date 2004-01-29

Source data
Primary base map used for preliminary mapping in the office (heads-up digitizing) and for the field verification.

Source medium name DVD
Resolution of the source data
Scale denominator 0

Source citation
Title 1ft Orange County true color orthophotography
Alternate titles 2006 1ft Orthos
Publication date
Indeterminate date unknown

Presentation formats digital map
FGDC geospatial presentation format raster digital data

Responsible party
Organization's name Aerials Express
Contact's role originator

Extent of the source data
ground condition
Temporal extent
Beginning date 2006-04-01
Ending date 2006-06-01

Geoprocessing history

Process name Project_4
Date 2007-09-1713:40:33
Tool location C:\Documents and Settings\kwhite\Application Data\ESRI\ArcToolbox\My Toolboxes\1MyTools.tbx\Project
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Process name RepairGeometry_13
Date 2007-12-0513:03:46
Tool location C:\Documents and Settings\kwhite\Application Data\ESRI\ArcToolbox\My Toolboxes\1MyTools.tbx\RepairGeometry
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Date 2023-10-1209:15:20
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Conversion Tools.tbx\ExportFeatures
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Date 2023-10-2313:52:05
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Conversion Tools.tbx\FeatureClassToFeatureClass
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Date 2023-10-2313:52:21
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Project
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No

Date 2023-10-2313:52:45
Tool location c:\program files\arcgis\pro\Resources\ArcToolbox\toolboxes\Data Management Tools.tbx\Rename
Command issued
Include in lineage when exporting metadata No


Contact information
Individual's name Jason Giessow
Organization's name Dendra, Inc.
Contact's role distributor

Contact information
City Encinitas
Administrative area CA
e-mail address

Available format
Name Shapefile
Version OC 7-9-07
Specification winzip
File decompression technique unzip

Ordering process
Terms and fees The online copy of the data set (when available electronically) may be accessed without charge.

Transfer options
Online source
Description Downloadable data

Distribution format
* Name File Geodatabase Feature Class

Transfer options
* Transfer size 3.070

Online source

Online source


Details for object ds351
* Type Feature Class
* Row count 0
Invasive plant populations defined by area
Definition source
Dendra Inc

* Data type String
* Width 16
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Feature geometry.
Description source
Description of values
Coordinates defining the features.

Field Shape_Area
* Data type OID
* Width 4
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
* Field description
Area of feature in internal units squared.
* Description source
* Description of values
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

* Alias Shape
* Data type Geometry
* Width 0
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Data version number
Description source
Dendra, Inc.
* Description of values
Sequential unique whole numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Shape
* Alias AC
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
* Field description
Feature geometry.
* Description source
* Description of values
Coordinates defining the features.

Field AC
* Alias AC4
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Acreage rounded to two decimal places
Description source
Dendra, Inc.
Accuracy information
A "0" value means that when the acreage is less than .05 acres it is rounded down to 0.

Field AC4
* Alias COV
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Acreage rounded to four decimal places
Description source
Dendra, Inc.

Field COV
* Data type String
* Width 25
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Estimated percent cover of the species within a record.
Description source
Dendra, Inc.

* Alias NUMBER
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Watershed name
Description source
California Interagency Watershed Mapping Committee

* Data type String
* Width 25
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Estimated number of plants within a record.
Description source
Dendra, Inc.
List of values
Value 0
Description Number of individual plants not determined or estimated.

* Data type String
* Width 25
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Treatment status of plants
Description source
Dendra, Inc.
Accuracy information
"Treated" and "Not treated" are the only values in this field.

* Data type String
* Width 35
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Plant species common name
Description source
Dendra, Inc.

* Data type String
* Width 35
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Plant species latin name
Description source
Dendra, Inc.

* Alias INV_TYPE
* Data type String
* Width 25
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Principle Investigator
Description source
Dendra, Inc.

* Alias Shape_Length
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
Field description
Invasive plant type
Description source
Dendra, Inc.
* Description of values
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Field Shape_Length
* Alias Shape_Area
* Data type Double
* Width 8
* Precision 0
* Scale 0
* Field description
Length of feature in internal units.
* Description source
* Description of values
Positive real numbers that are automatically generated.

Metadata Details

Metadata language English(UNITED STATES)
Metadata character set utf8 - 8 bit UCS Transfer Format

Scope of the data described by the metadata dataset
Scope name * dataset

* Last update 2023-10-23

ArcGIS metadata properties
Metadata format ArcGIS1.0

Created in ArcGIS for the item 2023-10-2313:52:15
Last modified in ArcGIS for the item 2023-10-2313:52:03

Automatic updates
Have been performed Yes
Last update 2023-10-2313:52:03

Metadata Contacts

Metadata contact
Individual's name Jason Casanova
Organization's name Los Angeles & San Gabriel Rivers Watershed Council
Contact's position Staff Cartographer
Contact's role point of contact

Contact information
Voice 213-229-9946
Fax 213-229-9952

Type both
Delivery point 700 N. Alameda St.
City Los Angeles
Administrative area CA
Postal code 90012
e-mail address

Hours of service

Thumbnail and Enclosures


Enclosure type File
Description of enclosure original metadata
Original metadata document, which was translated yes
Source metadata format fgdc